People touching bump


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2010
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How are you all coping with this??

I've not had many, but family ask why I dont wear tight tops and why big jumpers? Why not show my bare bump!!?
It's cold, and wearing baggy tops r more comfortable as feel sick! Duurrr!
Then they want me to show them the bare bump.. I have a hairy snail trail
Which isn't just preg related! When younger I shaved all the time so now stuck with a horribly prickly belly! Why would I want u to see that!!! Then they wanna touch nd I feel so awkward.. How can you say no!?!? I laugh n sat an it's just an ickle bump u can't feel nothing! You deffo can I'm not that small but it's my only excuse! Need a new one now getting bigger!
Any advice? Lol
Thanks x
My 6 year old nephew sat next to me yesterday with his hand on my bump but he's a cuddly boy anyway and I'm fine with that. It's random strangers I'm dreading.....oh and one of my clients insists on rubbing my bump just after she's been to the loo which led me to have a bit of a go at her this morning (she's completely with it so there's no real excuse). I've always been protective of my personal space and never been one for showing my figure off that much even though I'm a size 10.

I've found I am hugging my bump at the moment....get too close at your peril lmao xxxxxxxx
Ah I hate it! J have had strangers do it and it freaks me out!
The only ppl that don't do it os my family cos they know it freaks me out

I don't mind it when he's kicking and someone asks if they can feel, coz you're then ready for it. It's when people see you and automatically put their hands on you, or even worse... Rub and stroke it... I am not a pet! I also get fed up with people asking if I'm ok, and then when I say yes they ask if I'm sure..erm pretty sure I'm sure, known myself for a while now lol... You got me ranting now hahaha x
My close family and friends can and I don't have a prob with that. If strangers do it I really will feel uncomfortable and not sure how I'll react. Only a small bump at the mo so it's not happened yet. X
My boss does it (female) - and i will admit I find it kinda strange. I'm not quite in the whole - "get away from me" mood - but more embarrased by it, especially when its not really that big.

I have the snail trail bit as well - so really not comfy with the displaying bare bump - but so far no-one has asked. thank goodness.
When someone random touches my bump, I touch their belly. It freaks them out. Serves them right! Personally, I dont like bare bumps on show. The only time i think its ok is at home in private. Dunno why but I just don't like it!

Just tell them u r uncomfortable with it and ask them to respect ur decision.

ppl should not try to touch me, i almost hit a friend of mine and he was the only one thats touched my bump so far. he looked scared and confused as i glared at him. i hate being touched in the first place but if a stranger touches me they will get injured
I have had so many people touch my bump - don't mind family or close friends but random people especially people in work freaks me out - I just walk away from them when it happens
Love that idea Larly! I haven't had anyone touch my bump without asking yet, and actually only one friend has asked to touch it. I don't mind family and friends touching as long as they ask, but strangers better not dare touch my bump!
It annoys me when people reach for the bump before saying hello to me first... I'm like "hello? It's attached to me!" just want to poke them and see how they feel.xx
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It's not bothered me yet...but i haven't had strangers touch my belly! I think i'll be ok with the older generation touching my belly because thats just something they've always done and they wont change their ways! :)

I work in a school and i've had the kids come up and feel-But its the kids that i get on very well with so it doesn't matter too much.

I think it really depends on the person-i really don't mind getting my belly out and letting people have a look! haha Hair and all!
OK I have to admit, before being pregnant, I was a bump grabber, and I never realised what I was doing. Now the only person that does it is a lady at work, and I don't mind her doing it. But someone I don't know, I think would freak me out a bit.

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