Pelvic pain


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2006
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Hello ladies,

Been having really bad pelvic pain, feels more like a trapped nerve than an ache and it comes on all of a sudden and I find it difficult to walk, happens a lot at night and I can't get the momentum to turn over as can't lift my leg, my partner found it hilarious at first (cheeky get!) but had to keep waking him up to roll me over on to my other side as every time I moved got really sharp pain in my groin area, he wasn't happy this morning, shame! Anyone else had similar pain and is it another thing we have to put up with in pregnancy or is there something I can do for it?

Also been having bad stomach pains, not like period pains so not too worried but very similar to diarrhoea cramps without the diarrhoea, anyone got any advice?

Cheers m'dears!

Kat x

30+4 weeks

Have a chat with your MW, could be SDP?

thats exactly the same as what i have got. was so bad the other day i took the kids into town and by the time i got home i was crawling on the floor coz i couldnt walk. still nothing i can do til my appointment with the physio still another 2 week wait :(
Bubble-dreamer, why have you had to wait so long for an appt?

I phoned direct myself and could of had an appt within 5 days?????

i phoned myself to that is the next available appointment according to them :?
Oh that is a shame. They will probably give you this lovely pelvic belt. It does help a little but not much. What I have found has really helped me the most is if at all possible if you have to go shopping or walk alot try and borrow a wheelchair and get someone to push you. I have had less serious pain by doing this.

It defo sounds like SPD

I would push for an appt sooner as I left mine at first thinking it was the norm with pregnancy and ended up having to go to the G-Docs as I couldn't get our of bed one morning and I was screaming with the pain.

Usually they send you to a physio at the maternity hospital - check that they havent sent you to a "normal" one as they will have longer waiting lists!

S. xx
i did think it was quite odd when they gave me the appointment went last year when i had beth and they gave me an appointment for the following day. think i may give them another call tomoz
I'm suffering with this too, it's got worse in the last few weeks. My midwife didn't mention anything about a physio appointment though.

Apart from the belt thing some of you have, what has your physio done to help alleviate the pain and stiffness?
My physio just had me do various movements to check on my mobility. Then gave me some excersises which is just basically your pelvic floor ones.

I have to - and this is how she explained it (her words not mine!!)

Lie on my side with a pillow under my bump and another between my legs (also recommended to do this when in bed!).
While lying, pretend to hold in a wee with your muscles, hold in a fart with your muscles and lift your tummy muscles all at the same time and hold for between 5 to 10 seconds. Repeat this 10 times in the morning and at night.

Also while standing throughout the day try to do the holding wee/fart for 5 seconds - again repeat 10 times.

I also got a belt - but I am too big now to wear all the time - can only go for an hour or two and then need to take it off. She also gave me a GIANT tubi-grip to wear in bed that came from just below my bust to the bottom of my pelvic area - again I am too big to wear now but it did help.

Hope this helps you all!!

S. xx
Ive been getting this too... i thought it was just normal and another glorious thing about pregnancy!!! mine is really bad somedays, but not so bad other days so i didnt think it was SPD... im seeing the midwife on thursday so ill ask her then!! :D
I mentioned it to the midwife but all she did was smile and nod! Glad you are all here to talk to as midwife is bleedin useless! Once again I thank you and bow down in the presence of such absolute knowledge! :clap:

Got appointment with doctor, will get it checked out and hopefully get a decent nights sleep soon!

My sympathies to all my fellow sufferers!

Kat x
it may be worth you ringing your hospital on there main switchboard number and ask to be put through to the physio department and ask for an appointment with the obstetric physio when they ask who reffered you just say your midwife they wont question it. Definatly worth doing if your midwife isnt very good!
Katastrophic - I've also been getting these really bad cramps almost like a seriously bad bout of diarrhoea when walking, to the point where I'm doubled over, up until today I thought they were braxton Hicks contractions, but I saw my GP today for my check up and she didn't think it was the BH contractions as she said they tend to come later on and should not be painful. So we're not sure what it is, I did have some white blood cells in my sample this morning, therefore she wants to leave another sample tomorrow, otherwise she may recommend I get the once over at the ante natal clinic. So long and short of it is I don't know what it is but it hurts and it's a nuisance :roll:

Keep me informed, I presumed it was just BH but wanted to be sure, I was doubled over yesterday with it, I have had cholecystitis before (Gall baldder infection) and the feeling was very similar, but can't tell what is baby and what is me at the mo! It's passed for the time being but seems to re-occur so would be interested to hear what you find out.

Thanks for letting me know.

Katastrophic, went back to my GP today with another 'fresh' batch of urine sample, unfortunately all was clear so no further investigations are going be done at this point. I must say after reading all the other posting I'm going to start looking into SPD (I presume this stands for something to do with pelvic disorder?), as it sounds like this could well be what I've been suffering from - rather than braxton hicks :doh: - I'm new to all of this so really I'm just feeling around in the dark (so to speak!) and hoping that it will all fall into place (in terms of my understanding as to what the hay is going on inside of me!).

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