pcos diet


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2008
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ok - I'm slipping again! girls with pcos that eat according to the diet what do you order in restaurants? everything is pasta or in a creamy sauce!! it's when i eat out i have to break the diet then i keep slipping cause it tastes saoooooo good and i slip further and further away from what i should be eating!! going out for dinner next weekend with lovely hubby (don't know where - it's a surprise) and getting back on track after a very healthy shop today (apart from a packet of crisps I've just eaten fruit and celery today and I'm not hungry! :shock: ) but I KNOW THAT NEXT WEEKEND IT WILL START ALL OVER AGAIN! HELP!!!
Salad!! My favourite is nicoise - I like the one they do at Pizza Express. Either that, or I order something with a good chunk of protein in it (usually chicken or fish) and make sure I eat that before I hit the naughty bits so that I don't fill up on bad stuff. If I have a choice of veg, I ask for cauliflower and/or broccoli instead of potatoes/chips. Also, if I'm ever in a position that I'm eating something like pasta or anything with flour or white rice, I definitely skip dessert so as to do the least damage to my system, and if I must have a drink afters, I usually either get a green tea or a decaf coffee (not anything milky like a cappu).

You can do it!!! :lol: :hug: :hug: :hug:
thanks. hubby doesn't let me "waste" money on salads in restaurants though. he doesn't let me order stuff I can make very easily at home! I'll ask if i can swap potatoes for something else like broccoli though - cunning plan!

It's just so difficult to be good when most stuff on the menu's bad! thanks for the help. it's always easier when there's a good choice of good things in the fridge too so there's no temptation just to grab a takeaway so i should be ok! :)
I know what you mean! Don't get me wrong; I'm missing things like pizza and curries terribly! I almosed cracked on Saturday, but DH kept me in line, bless him. :lol: That was only because of the snow and not being able to go to the grocery store, tho. Otherwise, I make a meal plan each week and make the grocery list from that so that I know that we have exactly what we need in the house and nothing that we don't need, and that 1. keeps us from ordering takeaways and 2. saves us a hell of a lot of money as well! I think we were spending about 100 quid on takeaways a month as well as about 250 on normal groceries. You can always tell when DH goes shopping, tho, b/c he comes back with all sorts of things that I can't eat and drives me crazy with them, so I don't let him do the shopping much. :lol:
I know what you mean. We very rarely get/got takeaways but just as a treat or if we really had nothing in the house. probably not even 1ce every couple months! BUT knowing i can't makes it very difficult - WHY? :roll:

The only problem is hubby insists on eating "proper" food like pasta, pizzas etc and we eat different things. makes it hard though - knowing they're there! he wasn't with me shopping today though so he'll be wanting things i didn't buy! :twisted:

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