PCOS/Clomid/blood tests


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2007
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I was diagnosed with PCOS a couple of years ago and have been on metformin ever since. My endocrinology consultant also told me it increases fertility (although this did confuse me somewhat after reading up on pcos!!) - we weren't ttc at that time but are now, and nothing yet. Had CD21 blood tests this week after opk's negative for the last month. GP also referring me to gynaecologist to discuss clomid, although if my blood tests come back that I really need it, she's going to prescribe it next week. I already struggle with my weight from the pcos and a very underactive thyroid (which doesn't help with the ttc'ing!!) so I'm hoping it won't effect me in that way!!
So AF's due in a couple of days, feeling really nauseous this week although did a test (I know - too early!) and it was BFN. (I know my ticker's wrong at time of posting but I will update it today!)

So to all you ladies going through the same as me - good luck, our time will come!!

I am also ttc with PCOS. I had metformin for a little while but had a bad reaction but i wasnt aware of it improving fertility.

I am currently under dr for help, so if u ever fancy a chat im around.

Good luck hope you get ur BFP soon

Hi guys :D

We were TTC for about a year when I came off the pill before I was diagnosed with PCO(S)(diagnosed with blood tests and scan). We decided to see a consultant privately and we discussed metformin and clomid, and he gave me the choice of which I wanted to try first. What he told us was:

metformin: regulates your menstrual cycles, thereby increasing your chance of ovulating, but no guarantee of ovulating

clomid: regulates menstrual cycle AND makes you ovulate

We went with the clomid - he recommended stying on it no longer than 6 months at a time. Was on 50mg a day for the first 4 months, then 100mg for last 2 months. We conceived on the last month :D

Best of luck :hug:
:wave: . Sorry you're having to go through this, it's so frustrating. I came off the pill in May 2006 and went to the docs in September as I still hadn't come on. So after a few blood tests came back that I wasn't ovulating I was refered to the gynaecologist, had a scan which showed my ovaries were normal but my bloods showed I had PCOS (so I'm not sure if I have PCOS or not :? ). A little light period finally came in January this year and I started taking 50mg of clomid, but on the 4th month I failed to ovulate so I was put on 100mg and concieved that month :cheer: .
Never give up hope that it will happen, stay strong and positive and, most of all, relax and enjoys the baby making :wink: . Wishing you all the best of luck and here is some baby dust for you
I have insulin resistance, hence the need for the metformin, not just for cycle regulation. Apparantly now when I do eventually get my BFP (thinking positive here!) I can continue taking the metformin throughout pregnancy, previously you had to stop.
Once I see gynacologist/get bloods back, I'll prob be on clomid and metformin at same time. Anyone else been on both at same time? Any nasty side effects to look out for?
I'm suffering with v painful heavy periods too - used to take ponstan (worked wonders with pain and reducing blood flow) but since we've been ttcing, gp won't let me take it anymore cause it has adverse effect on baby's heartbeat - she's told me paracetamol only if i require any pain relief from anything!!! She said she doesn't want me confusing the spotting you can get with early stages of preg. with my period starting (how i could confuse it if i'm getting the awful pains is beyond me but nevermind!)
I can definately recommend the book 'PCOS for dummies' - very helpful with lots of useful information.

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