

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2010
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Has anyone had any pain at this stage or bit earlier in the pregnancy?
I've had braxton hicks and lately they have been getting worse, aswell as the tightening I have been getting stronger pains.

Last night I was in agony. My back, ribs, legs tummy and pelvis was killing me. I'm not sure if its just everything stretching and me getting regular braxton hicks or some signs for early labour!!
What do you think, sorry if I'm sounding silly I just don't know what to expect and as I don't have much time on here lately I've not been able to catch up with peoples worries or stories, so not sure if anyone is going through the same thing.

Its eased off a bit but to be fair I'm just resting on sofa with laptop so mind is else where lol
Thank you all for listening to me ramble on and thanks in advance for any replies x
By this stage in pregnancy hun things will get uncomfortable :(

My advice is to keep and eye and contact your mw if you notice and regularity to the contractions or any change in discharge x
hope your ok hun. id say the same as Mamafy. does he help when ur lying down on the sofa?
cud u not take any painkillers to help ease the pain atleast a little?
I think by tmos if your still in agony id get it checked out because least then you'll know if your still doing false braxton hicks or the full monty.
I hope these are just braxton hicks for you hun and your doing very well by the way hun x :D x
Yep i feel the same - like Mamafy said keep an eye on things but it all sounds pretty normal - and we have weeks of it yet :( - deffo moaning trimester for me hehe
It's probs your body getting ready for labour :)
I've been getting back ache and irregular pains for days now think it's my body just gearing up for labour.

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