overweight and pregnancy???/healthy diets?


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2010
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i am very overweight and have recently lost a bit of weight which while great isn enough, iv just got my BFP today. im now seriously concerened i should have made more of an effort to diet before. now i love swimming and am going to up this to 3-4 times a week because its not load bearing, and also try and walk more is there a set number of calories i should follow to ensure its healthy without being too little food for baby? as i know i should try not to "diet" as such but eat healthily instead, or do you know differently can ii diet within a healthy range and still ensure my baby gets enough nutrients? i dont want to make any more complications than is nessacery for me or the baby during preganncy im 15st11 now and im only 5ft5 so this gives me a very high bmi though my wieght is around my bum and legs and arms more than my stomach and chest (ie im pear shaped rather than apple?) ( i was overweight last pregnancy 15st1 and went up to 16st 7 at worst after eating rubbihs as a coping mechanism after lost last one unrelated to weight i realise now that really didnt help for this time) any ideas and help would be great i never drank much alcohol before anyway (i drive trains and cant drink often for my job) so cutting that out is no problem. i dont smoke either and never have done. i am partial to eating rubbish and snacking, and i am lazy and dont do enough excersise. help apprichiated.
hi i had a v high bmi havnig my little girl, my gp had no probs regarding my weight his only advice was to try not put any more weight on, not sure if ur aware but slimming world has a diet for pregnant women where u will follow eating healthy and will lose a little weight etc :) might be worth finding out a bit more xx
I have a very high bmi too, although I lost a fair bit in tri1 from hyperemisis which wasn't ideal way to do it!!! Mind you its all come back I'm in tri 3!!! Id say avoid too many carbs, stick to brown bread and pasta and avoid sugary foods as they can all make your baby big and put you at risk of gestational diabetes. Tbh just eating little and often and making sure you have a balanced diet with a wide range of fruit veg and proteins and 'good' carbs, and doing some gentle exercise you will be fine! That's all my mw suggested.
One thing I do know is that if you eat very, vey healthy, you can lose weight without cutting your kcal. For instance if you eat mostly fruits and vegetables and some lean meat, try to avoid dairy (you get lots of calcium from dark green leafy vegetables, but you have to eat enough of them!) and get healthy fats from olive oils, nuts and avocado your body will get more than enough nutrients, and you can eat big amounts of foods because it's not as kcal dense as breads, pasta, sweets etc. Whenever I "diet" I often eat more than when I'm not because of eating the right kind of foods. Hope this helps in any way, please pm me if you feel like it! And of course, congratulations and good luck! :)
i'm overweight as well was my last pregnancy and apart from backache i didn't suffer many other problems, i was on slimming world diet before i got my bfp lost about 18lb which was enough for me to be just midwife led this time instead of consultant led as i was last time i was going to carry on with slimming world and swimming but i have been so sick since just over 5 weeks i couldn't do it, i'm hoping to start swimming again when i am feeling better but i agree slimming world is a really good healthy eating plan to follow while you are pregnant if you want any ideas on what to eat on it just let me know xx
Thank you all as usual for great advice decided to up my excersise when I'm not to tiered and eat extra healthy no I didn't know bout slimming world but decided with shifts I'd never make the classes thank you all xx
Heya hun, I'm 5'6'' and was around 13 stone when I found out I was pregnant. Throughout tri 1 I lost an AWFUL lot of weight anyway because of sickness but I did do a lot of walking as well. I'd say just eat healthily, not gorge yourself, and get in some gentle exercise like walking or swimming. Best of luck :) xx
Hi I had a bmi of 40+ wen I fell pg with my youngest and I didn't accept any help but I'm sure if u ask ur mw or gp they should refer u to a dietician who will help u xxx

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