Overdue & Getting Worried

Simoriah Rose

New Member
Sep 17, 2011
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Hi All, This is my first pregnancy and I was due on 15th. I know it's common to go overdue with 1st, but I'm still feeling frustrated and beginning to worry, as I suffer with anxiety and haven't been able to be on my medication throughout my pregnancy. I've had no real signs of labour at all so far that I can identify.

I am planning to use a birthing centre which is attached to my local hospital, which I was really pleased about as I hate hospitals and really didnt want to have to give birth in one, so the birthing centre was a great option for me, but now I'm overdue the anxiety is starting to kick in and I'm worrying that I wont be able to use the birth centre or may need to be induced etc.
I know I'm only 2 days over so far, but anyone with anxiety will understand that once the worries start, I can't stop them.

Just looking for a bit of advice, support etc. on how to cope, anybody else overdue now too?

Thanks ladies
Aww hun sorry you are feeling like that :( hopefully things will get moving soon for you...sorry I cant be of much help xxx
That's ok, thanks. I just wanted to talk with some other women really, there's only so much my poor husband can help I'm like a broken record!
Ah bless you...it will be a while before they go down the induction route so theres plenty of time for it to all happen naturally :) have you spoken to your midwife about your anxieties? xxx
Not yet, I've generally kept quiet as don't want to be a fuss pot, but I will be seeing her on tuesday so will mention it to her then, although I'm sure she will just say the same thing. It's annoying because even though I kept saying 'I expect she will come late' I guess I just didn't really prepare myself for it or fully believe that, otherwise I would be more chilled!
You can refuse induction if you and baby are fit and healthy, it's an outdated system that for some reason hasn't been changed over the years. You have to remember that it's all based on things like 28 day cycles so very few women give birth on their due date, this site has a few interesting bits to read. http://www.theunnecesarean.com/blog/2009/10/3/postdates-separating-fact-from-fiction.html
Best thing you can do to help is to relax about going 'over' being stressed won't help your body to go into labour. Im not even thinking about when baby is 'due' far as Im concerned it will come when its cooked which by my own dates is a week later anyway! Try pampering yourself and try out some of the natural methods to bring on labour, sex/orgasm, nipple stimulation, walking, bouncing on birth ball, hot curry, clary sage massage etc. Hopefully something will happen really soon for you x
I got really fed up towards my due date and was stressing that baby wouldn't come naturally, when i was 3 days overdue i decided to stop stressing carry on as normall and baby would come when she was ready, the next day 4 days overdue she decided to make an appearance! really hope something happens for you soon Hun good luck for when the time comes! xx
I have anxiety too and completely understand where your coming from. When I was overdue I was a nightmare to be around as my anxiety was just getting worse and worse. I was distraught when I was told my 2nd sweep wasn't successful and that an induction dat had been booked. But the 5th day of being over, that night my waters broke and I had my little boy the next day. Being overdue is defo the worst part of pregnancy. You never know, it could happen tomorrow. Once your holding your baby you won't care about how long you waited xxx
There is still lots of time to come naturally. I went 10 days overdue. I just made sure I planned something everyday to keep me occupied. Get plenty of sleep as well before baby comes. xx
You can refuse induction if you and baby are fit and healthy, it's an outdated system that for some reason hasn't been changed over the years. You have to remember that it's all based on things like 28 day cycles so very few women give birth on their due date, this site has a few interesting bits to read. http://www.theunnecesarean.com/blog/2009/10/3/postdates-separating-fact-from-fiction.html
Best thing you can do to help is to relax about going 'over' being stressed won't help your body to go into labour. Im not even thinking about when baby is 'due' far as Im concerned it will come when its cooked which by my own dates is a week later anyway! Try pampering yourself and try out some of the natural methods to bring on labour, sex/orgasm, nipple stimulation, walking, bouncing on birth ball, hot curry, clary sage massage etc. Hopefully something will happen really soon for you x

I just read that link, its fantasticly clear information!! :yay:

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