whats the earliest they can induce me?


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2007
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If i needed an induction, could they do it if i was only one or two day overdue?

instead of 10 days or 2 weeks!!
it all depends on the size of baby and your blood pressure etc... if everything is normal they will leave you for the 2wks - no matter how much you beg.... beleive me I begged and they wouldnt budge!
it's not that i don't want to...
but my MIL is coming from the Caribean to be at the birth and she's not staying for long. I'm worried she might miss it :think:
i might have to put in a special request :think:
TBH I don't think they do it on demand, much better for baby to be born naturally
SarahH said:
no matter how much you beg.... beleive me I begged and they wouldnt budge!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I was in tears to my mw begging because the pain from the SPD was just too much.... the pain of labour would have been a release... I just couldn't take it anymore. But nope... but I went into labour naturally in the end,....

That's the problem when your parents don't live close to you... if they are planning to travel to the birth, you can't really give them an exact time. My mum lived miles from me when I had Tia, and she just had to wait till I popped in the end. :?
I wouldn't want to be willingly induced again for anything. If the baby isn't ready you're more than likely gonna end up on the drip and it brings strong constant contractions, most people end up with an epidural throughout it. You can't have a water birth and you can't be mobile. I'm sure your mother in law will understand, babies come when they're ready and I doubt your hospital will budge on the 10-12 days overdue before they induce all being well.
I am dreading being induced more than the birth.

It was AWFUL last time. :cry:
As long as the baby is fine and your fine they wont induc you - i hope you go naturally though, im sure you will as long as you keep active and have lots of sex that will be sure to get things going!
emma28 said:
I am dreading being induced more than the birth.

It was AWFUL last time. :cry:

Snap, I've been induced twice, trust me I would never dream of begging to be induced, it is supposed to be a lot more painful, you have more risk of complications etc.
Why isn't she coming for very long if she wants to be at the birth? You can't expect a baby to be born on demand :lol: If she's that bothered about being there she should come over for longer.
i dont think they will induce you for that reason hun, for a start induction may not work if your body aint ready which is why they leave it until they absolutely have to. i was in hospital for 4days around my due date and for 2 days a week before becus i was fainting and kept havin flashing lights but they still woudnt induce me. with my DD1 i lost some of waters on my due date and they still let me go 9 days over before they induced me and that was becus she was showin signs of distress. with DD2 i was induced on 40 +14 but luckily i was already 3cm dilated so they only had to break my waters for me. you can ask for a sweep from your due date in some areas. i would speak to your mw about their policy and how early they will induce or how long they will leave you and if they will offer a sweep or not. i was never offered a sweep but i did have a very lazy mw lol. good luck hun and i hope your LO makes an appearance in time

That's an idea, I know someone who had loads of sweeps, like 1 everyday. My MW would only do one when I went a week over but if you nag maybe yours will do more.

I wouldn't worry about ti too much anyway you may not go over at all :hug:
I am 'officially due' (for what it's worth!) on 22nd Nov. Our consultant has told me he will induce me on the 3rd Dec if there are no signs of baby wanting to come out, but will do a 'sweep' the week before to see if that will work. Hopefully the baby will come out by itself before that! I am sure your m-in-law will understand if the baby has not arrived for her visit - more important that all is well with the baby and you
I replied in another thread about having the same circumstances as my inlaws were coming from USA... they still wouldnt take me quicker, they only had 4days with Arianna before going home :(
Oh ladies don't get me wrong!
My MIL is not bothered at all - she's a nurse, in fact she hasn't mentioned anything about me being induced. She would never!!

It's ME who really wants her to be there when it happens. I suppose it's because she is coming from so far away and it would be such a shame if she missed it all.

But I've done my maths again and I figured out it would be ok actually: She will be here december 1st until december 17th.

I'm due on Decmeber 8th.

I'm pretty sure i will have given birth by the 17th! fingers crossed!
Sorry to but in :oops:
I can't believe so many of you had such bad experiences with being induced :cry: mine was so lovely and I'd definately do it again if I had to :) & I honestly didn't think the pain was THAT bad & thought it could have been worse! :hug:

Anyway getting back to the subject. I know for a fact that they won't induce you just because you're in laws are coming as there are risks with being induced and they only do it as a last resort!
I didnt have any problem with being induced either - pain didnt hurt that much.... I just wanted the baby here sooner!
Hi hon, my consultant talked me through the inducement proceedure yesterday, he said you need to have a cervix that is ready for birth, ie, starting to dilate and soft and short in order to be induced early. He said that once they start the procedure they wont stop so pesseries first, 2 maybe 3 then drip, then if no advancement they have no alternative other than to section. That's why they don't induce earlier as it carries the risk of much more intervention. The only times this doesn't apply are if you have a problem where it's worth the risk (ie pre-eclampsia) or if you are 12 days late when they induce whatever because of the risk of the placenta not working properly.

Hope that helps
i dont know about anyone else but my doctor will not induce no matter what :( i am suffering from high blood pressure 165/98 yesterday and also high fluid levels that are causing concern , they just keep saying i shoud start soon on my own :(
alfie said:
Hi hon, my consultant talked me through the inducement proceedure yesterday, he said you need to have a cervix that is ready for birth, ie, starting to dilate and soft and short in order to be induced early. He said that once they start the procedure they wont stop so pesseries first, 2 maybe 3 then drip, then if no advancement they have no alternative other than to section. That's why they don't induce earlier as it carries the risk of much more intervention. The only times this doesn't apply are if you have a problem where it's worth the risk (ie pre-eclampsia) or if you are 12 days late when they induce whatever because of the risk of the placenta not working properly.

Hope that helps

thanks for that it really helped
SarahH said:
I didnt have any problem with being induced either - pain didnt hurt that much.... I just wanted the baby here sooner!

I think it's mainly to do with the drip, and how ready your cervix is for birth, but I'm not sure.

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