Hi girls, I've been ttc for 5 months and have tried 2 months using OPKs and 2 not... This month, we're going for regular BDing and OPKs as a back up... Today is day 12 (my cycles are 28/29 days since i came off the pill in November - although I did have a random 33 day one - haven't we all!Anyway, today is day 12 and I did an OPK (smiley face digital one) and I got a smiley face! It's a day or 2 earlier than previous one and I didnt test yesterday. Sometimes I carry on testing and get a couple of smiley faces in a row. My question is, what if I got a smiley face yesterday but missed it? Does ovulation happen after the OPK lines get fainter or are you still waiting to ovulate if you have a smiley face / dark lines? Thank you!