Opk novice


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2010
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Hi :wave:

I'm doing opks for the first time so wanted to check with you lovely ladies...

My cycles have been 34 and 37 days.

I started doing opks on cd13 and got negative results.
On cd19 and cd20 I got faint positives, meaning there was definitely a second line but it was lighter than the control line. I'm using Internet cheapies.
Yesterday and today cd21 and cd22 I have gone back to negative results.

So I'm thinking that was my surge on cd19 and 20 indicating that I was about to ovulate. Do you agree? Does it matter that the lines weren't as dark?

If so (with positive opks on cd19 and cd20) when would I actually ovulate? Within 24-36 hours? Ie somewhere between cd20 and cd22?

Thanks ladies!

Ps dtd on cd19 and cd20 and hoping to do it again tonight cd22 x
Hey hun!

Urmmmm im not an OPK expert myself as i have had trouble gettin a dark line since sept last yr (thus me being confoozled if i AM actually ovulating or not...hm) BUTTTTT after scanning the net and getting advice myself i have learnt that the faint lines ARENT a positive. the results line has to be as dark/ or even darker than the test line (apparantly)
I have been told that the hormone that is released wen we ov (LH surge) IS actually released throughout our cycle but only wen it is at our Highest (darkest results line) is wen it indicates we are about to ov. If yer get me.

Altho i wish this wasnt true. cuz then my faint lines wud be me ovulating too!!!! So hopefully cross fingers they are a ickle bit wrong and we are right :)
Oh and i think once we get this dark line then we cud ov at anytime within the next 48hrs. So once u get it GET BDing!!!! But try to obviously bonk before hand too for more chance of sticky bean!


good luck.....hope u have better luck than moi in the old OPK department!!
Frustrating ISNT the wordddd!!
Thanks very much for your replies! V confusing isn't it! Sending you lots of sticky dust too :dust:
I have just been having the same problem. I'm cd16 today and not had a positive opk yet. I only started testing cd12 so I might have been bait late.

I bd on cd9, cd13 and cd15, I'm going to do it again tonight too encase it's a late ov but then again it could have been early and in that case hopefully when I bd on cd9 I could have done the job.

How long are your cycles? Good luck hun x
Good luck poppy my cycles have varied from 34 to 37 data since having Ella and were 30 days before her x

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