OPK - advice needed (pics!)


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2011
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(history first!)Since coming off implant 2months ago i have had ovulation pain when i would expect it only it has never been followed by af. so first month of implant i had bad pain which i put down to ov plus ewcm then i had one episode of spotting (litterally one - not one day just one!) 13dpo so then following month i had ov pain approx 12 days post the spotting and patiently went trhough two week wait got a false positive on clear blue + then took multiple other brands (total of about 8tests now) BFN. so thouhg i would do opk's from date I should have ov(if i had af on time - if that makes sense!)

So main thing i want to know is below are the results is today my surge or does it go darker? No ewcm but cervix is slightly high! no other syptoms!

Any help greatfully recieved including what is going on with cycle!!


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sorry should have said IF i go from when AF should have appeared (but didnt!) this is cd14/15 and 21dpo
hey, i dont think it is positive yet but it is not far off. It will go darker. For ultimate clarity when you think it is positive get soem clear blue digis. Good luck, and keep bding just in case!!
It might get darker but I would keep BDing just incase this is your surge! Good luck xxx
I agree with Emma, get :bd: tonight just in case! Some people don't get lines any darker than that, but most people get the same as the control line or darker. You might find your line gets darker late at night, so why not try another before bed time and find out? xx
I brought this and then read they were no good, so I have brought a clear blue digital and got a smiley face today Day 16 on a 32 cycle but still nothing on these :/
janey - that is waht happned to me. i barely get any lines on these type but stonking great big posotives on FR OPKs, Clearblue Oks and CB digis. Some ppl just dont agree with them, other have no issues at all.

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