Spotting 3 days before af is due...........


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2008
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Hiya all,as the title says this morning had a pinkish stain first thing when going to the toilet when i wiped (sorry tmi) now its stopped nothing.

Never had spotting before af in my entire life only started spotting this year,first one was in feb 15th as af was due then spotting for 5 days then af heavy for 2/3 days.

March af was 5 days late.20th march af came.

Now had this pinkish stain gone now af is due on sunday but i thought i ov on the 3rd april (didn't use any opks this month) could i ov abit late this month :think: why oh why is this spotting here?

Feb month i really and also felt pregnant unless i had a very early miscarrigde without me realising.
Why is my body so complicated haven't even been on the pill for 4 years.

Sorry everyone for the rant.x :hug:
Yes we did bd on the 27th,29th,31st march.1st,6th and the 11th april but i googled on computer and they based it on a 28 day cycle,conception was 3rd cycle days aren't always 28 days mainly 30/31 days.

Thoses dates above are the only ones i wrote down on paper can't remember the rest as i forgot.

Not really sure this is my month :roll:

Thanks for reply.x
Thankyou emeraldsroses, this might be alot easier to use instead of writing down on pieces of paper the website looks easy to use as well.
Thankyou once again.x :hug:
You're welcome. The site is dead easy to use and has been spot on with me in the past. The only thing which has offset my period is either stress or illness. If you start your period late, you can also alter this in the calender.

Good luck with using it!

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