Opinions on spelling


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2017
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We've decided to name our little boy Jacob however we're undecided on the spelling; Jacob or Jakob. My OH is Hungarian so we picked a name that translate in Hungarian too. We're not sure how most people would pronounce it with a K if they didn't know how we say it, "Jack-ob" instead of "Jay-cob".

What is everyone's thoughts on this 🙂
I'm someone who loves things that are different and unique. So if it were me then I'd go with Jakob because that's different to the standard Jacob that everyone uses. He'll stand out!! :)

It's entirely up to you what you choose as of course it's your baby, but I personally love Jakob and find it lovely and unique!
I like the Jakob spelling personally! It stands out that little bit more :)
It does stand out more, but he'll spend his whole life as "Jakob-with-a-k" (i.e. spelling it out for everyone/people assuming it's the more common way). My name is one with a few spellings (although I wouldn't say either are classed as standard) but I always think it might have made life a bit easier if there was one standard way of spelling it... but possibly a bit more boring too? It's your call but I'm leaning towards Jacob. X
I'd go with Jacob to save him spelling it out to everyone later on in life. But that just me... x
I think its nice that it has a little bit of his heritage. We are part polish have a lot of K's.

I like it :)

Its really nice name and nice spelt with a k but yes (Sorry) i think i would assume jack-ob for spelling but that could just be me! xx
My little boy's name is Jacob and I love it. I am a little biased and prefer it spelt as Jacob, will cause less confusion over spellings etc.
I'd personally go with Jacob to avoid confusion. I named my little girl after someone I know, spelling it the same way, I'd known her since I was little so thought that was how it was spelt, turns out its a rarer spelling and I already feel bad my little girl will have to correct people lots. although I still like it spelt this way best

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