opinions on my girlie's middle name pls...


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2011
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Hi ladies,
We decided on the name Imogen a while ago. My Nain's (Welsh for Nan) middle name was Primrose and so I want to call her Imogen Primrose. My OH has agredd because he knows it means a lot to me. Do you think it sounds cute or do you think it's cruel?? I won't be offended! We were originally shortening it to Rose but there are so many gilrs with the middle name 'Rose'! X
It doesn't sound horrible or cruel BUT I don't think it rolls off the tongue that well?

Imogen is a wonderful name.... Primrose is quite cute BUT I don't like them together that much (sorry!!)

Yeh, I see what you mean. I keep calling her Immy Primmy - now that is cruel! Lol x
I love Imogen but I dislike primrose and I really don't like them together x sorry hon xx
I don't think they flow. But if that name is important to you then go with it. A lot of people never use their middle names anyways.

Have you thought about adding another name in between them so she has two middle names?? Xxx
I love both and actually like them together , Imogen was on our short list, dpends also what your surname is
Thanks for your views ladies. I hadn't thought about two middle names - might be an option? Surname is Carrigan x
My friends girl is imogen grace. Imogen grace primrose goes quite well.

I love primrose as a first name!
I wanted my brother to be called primrose mainly bcoz as a kid I loved darling buds of may!!! My lo has quite old fashioned name and middle name both are family related and I think it's a lovely honour To pass it down to your child! Middle names are rarely used in society so unless there is someone at school that has the same name I doubt it will be used much!
I would call her Imogen Rose, who cares if others have the same middle name!

I think that sounds lovely and its a small compromise while keeping the (nearly) original name of Primrose!
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I think you should have what you want, as middle names are rarely used nowadays. We lost an elderly relative before Christmas who I was very close to and if we have a girl then she will have the middle name Bridget. It isn't cool, or particularly one of my favourites but it does hold a lot of emotional significance, and if she really hates it when she's older she can just pretend she doesn't have a middle name!! It is being given in love, and that's what counts in my book.
I think its sounds lovely together, I've just decided to put Primrose on my list, its such a pretty, different name! Hope you don't mind!
Thank you ladies! It's great to hear all your different views! JoS - course I don't mind, happy to help lol! I think we're going to go with it to be honest. As some of you have said, it has a real significance for me. Also, my middle name is Louise and I can honestly say I don't think I've ever used my middle name!!! It's an intial on my bank cards - that's it! X
:pompom::pompom:I love the sentiment of it and as others have said most people don't use there middle names.... My grandmothers names is Magdalene which isn't modern but it is so important for me to use it because she has been an instrumenatal part in who I am today. So we are goinging with two middle names as a compromise. xx
say it a thousand times and then you will get the hang of the sound of them being together and no other name wil sound as good xxxx

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