

Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2010
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im feeling very sorry for myself iv got carpel tunnel bought on by being pregnant spoke to dr last week who has sent a referal off to physio to have splint fitted i chased it all up today referal was sent end of week so it gona be a good week at least till i get seen but im in agony with it its swollen and my fingers going numb im toying with going to a+e to get it dressed for the support but feel bad as it not a emergency i just want to cry:(
Sorry you're in such discomfort, it sounds horrible!! Is it worth seeing if your GP / practice nurse can strap it up for you in the meantime? Or maybe even a pharmacist who can advise a support bandage you could buy? I hope you can get it sorted sooner rather than later.... x
Sorry you're in such discomfort, it sounds horrible!! Is it worth seeing if your GP / practice nurse can strap it up for you in the meantime? Or maybe even a pharmacist who can advise a support bandage you could buy? I hope you can get it sorted sooner rather than later.... x

i rang dr this morning they dont do it there hence the referal im gona see how i feel in a few hours if same im gona get something it might be hormones making me worse
Big hugs honey x I don't really no what else to say except big hugs and lots of love x hope it gets sorted soon x
awwwww wish I could offer some more advice to you.... :( Sorry!! Just going to send lots of hugs & kisses and I hope you get it sorted soon... they shouldnt let you wait for a week to be seen!! You're pregnant and you dont need the added stress & pain..... I hope they get to see you before then sweetie!!!!

In the meantime, try and take it easy!!

thinking of you xxx
well i decided not to go to a+e gona see how i go tonight and ring hsp toward end of afternoon see if referal been found there if not will rethink tomorow went and had cuppa with my best mate and feel better for it ty girls xx
aww< lisa im sorry! big hugs to you!

(can u belive we are 30 weeks gone today? :love:)
hi, i think i might be getting this... how did ur symptoms start? did u manage to get splints or anything to help? Hope its getting better.
aw lovely, what did you decide to do????? im waiting to go to my doctor as finally a mw suggested it might be beneficial to get something sorted... its agony. my thumb is pretty much completely unusable now :( let me know how you get on sweet!! xx

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