Carpel Tunnel Syndrome


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2011
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Over the past few weeks i've been having terribley sore hands. When i wake up in the nyt my fingers are all bent and i have to manually try and get them to straighten. It's been happening more and more during the day recently too so i mentioned it to the MW today and she said that i have Carpel Tunnel Syndrome. She said i could go to physio but it would take a while to get an appt and that it will probably get better after the birth anyway so i'm not going to bother going.

Just wondering if anyone has any experience of this and maybe some coping strategies? xxx
Hi hun, i got carpal tunnel bout a month ago docs wanted to give me an injection but i was to scared! So he told me to go to my local chemist and buy a splint they cost about £8 and ugly looking but god they work a treat! Wear it in bed and all day i used mine for a week and im not suffering anymore, defo worth buying one. Hope this helps x
That really does help, thanks Emmsy!! So are they just called a hand splint then? xxx
Yeah just ask for a hand splint for carpal tunnel, i got mine in black there bloody ugly but u can hide it under ur jumper. Ha. I remember wearing it to bed and sleeping all night it was heaven! X
My midwife referred me to the hospital physio department and I went in the next day and got splints - might be worth asking if they can see you because it only takes 5 minutes and they do help a bit x
I got mine from the hospital but it drove me crazy couldn't wear it. It will go away after the baby, it went away when I finished work a few weeks ago but now it's back for me :-(
Apparantly there's a big waiting list to see a physio here and i really need some immediate relief. My Hubby works for Tesco and is working until 10pm this evening, he went to the instore pharmacy before and they don't have any wrist braces at all. Do you think that Tubi-grips could help if i get him to get me some of them to wear tonight? xxx
I dont think that will work hun, a splint has a metal bar that keeps ur hand straight, my doctor said if i wanted a splint off nhs it would take 4wks to get one so i had to buy mine, everyones different but i found it worked brilliant for me. X
I found running mine under a cold tap and holding it up helped a tiny bit when I was stuck at work, it brings the swelling down a bit. You could use an ice pack at home. Also masage the bottom middle bit of your palm like the bits where all the lines on your hand meet.
Thanks for your advice girls.

I tried the tubigrips last nyt, out of desperation really, and they just made it worse. The only splints that i can find, that i dont have to wait to be delivered, are from boots and they're £20 per hand which i can't afford at the mo! Just hoping that baby will arrive very soon so it will go away! xxx
Hiya I got mine from the hospital too if your desparate I can search them out and send them to you. They are really ugly though and old but will help you get a good nights sleep let me know ill send you a photo of them first don't be embarrassed to say no thenks if they look a bit worn I won't take offence but they are here If you would like them xx
Hiya I got mine from the hospital too if your desparate I can search them out and send them to you. They are really ugly though and old but will help you get a good nights sleep let me know ill send you a photo of them first don't be embarrassed to say no thenks if they look a bit worn I won't take offence but they are here If you would like them xx

That is so kind of you hun!! I would really appreciate that. :) I will PM you now. xxx
Hi Dee, just to say before pregnancy they thought i had carpal tunnel but turned out to be raynauds but now during pregnancy i think i have it too as they go hand in hand. Its when swelling in the wrists pushes on the main nerve into your arm/hand. Tubi grip would make it worse as the tightness would restrict the nerve more. A couple of tips i can give you is try not do to anything repetitive for long periods, texting and typing on a keyboard are killers and try where you can to avoid laying on your hands/arms xx
Thanks for your advice Dollie. I definitely spend too much time on this computer! xxx
I've been getting this for the past two weeks and its gradually getting worse. I'm gonna check out splints now. Anything for some relief at night. It gets sooooooo painful.

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