Only queue jumped by a week...


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2010
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Sorry ladies would've done a labour thread for myself but it all happened so quick! Had sweep Friday (38+5) had show sat, started having contractions every 12mins on sat eve at OH's work do, by 9pm last night they were 4 mins apart. Was admitted to hospital 4cm dilated, by midnight the contractions were on top of each other and very very painful, and made me sick repeatedly! Was determined to have my VBAC, but by 4.15am they were concerned as I was fully dilated but she was becoming increasingly distressed. They prepped me for theatre as I cried like a complete baby and begged them not to section me. Consultant agreed to try and turn her as she was back to back and stuck by this point. I went down to theatre and she tried to turn but my little hunny was having none of it! The consultant decided to make the decision to section.I asked her to let me try one more time to get her out, we did but she was firmly wedged and so at 4.40am my baby Darcie came into the world by emergency section. She was checked over and is perfect, latched on and fed for an hour and a half. Not the way I'd planned but she is healthy and content and that's what matters. Bit of a ramble, prob in wrong section but thought I'd let you all know and saythanks for your help and advice over the last six months xx
Congratulations on ur little girl ! im sooo jealous u queue jumped but very pleased for u.x
That's fabulous news! Congratulations. Do you have any piccies of her? X
congrats love, sory you didn't get to deliver her yourself but I bet you dont care now!!
Wow! Talk about a sweep working! How come they did a sweep before you were overdue?

Congratulations on the birth of little Darcie!
Congratulations! Sorry you didnt get your VBAC but it sounds like you gave it a damn good try, well done :)
Congratulations hunny. U sound like a trooper n did so well.
Your beautiful baby girl is now in the world. :)
Congrats! At least it was relatively come they did sweep you at 38+5? xx
Congratulations Katie, well you gave the hospital a run for their money for sure on the Vbac - well done you for Effort X

Lovely name Darcie - how much did she weigh?
Had early sweep as she was measuring so far ahead, but couldn't induce due to previous em c section. She was a respectable 7lb 12oz, hardly the whopper I'd been expecting!

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