Hi, I love this site, nice to find people who understand and are in the same stages!
1st very wanted baby I'm 26 and hubby is 31
I'm 12 wks & 5 days but dating scan shows i'm 13 wks & 5 days Just zooming past due 5th Jan (midwife says go by our dates not hospitals) Maybe christmas or new year baby! rather it be after christmas then it will be a nice 1st christmas next year! instead of having nothing planned!
As anyone got baby stuff yet or do you all think it is too early? i was going to wait until my 20 wks scan then get buying! already been given 2 car seats, a play pen (Travel cot), Baby play seat, sterilizer & moses basket, and feel a bit worried about having some of them in the house!
Anyway nice to ready you!!
Cat & baby bean