
Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2011
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I have been in hospital! Suffered with period pains, back ache and sore legs, from Saturday. Managed with paracetamol, hotwater bottle and baths but Tuesday morning I decided to check with MW was it all ok? MW sent me to hospital to be checked and I was contracting!!!! I didn't realise, cervics was still closed, and they thought baby was breech so scanned and actually head down ready to go:shock: Dr was more than happy even though baby would be early I have had steroid injections from last episode at 26wks so said I could labour freely! OMG.


I was kept in and let home yesterday afternoon, and although I'm still contracting it's not progressive. I am on paracetamol every 4-6hrs which manages the pain really well, boy do I know it when they wear off!

Baby could arrive anytime, and I don't have to go back to hospital unless I cannot manage pain and contractions are 45-60sec long and regular (which they are not).

Anybody else going through this or know of anybody who has? x
wowzer hun so you could have an April baby possibly!! Good luck hun, be nice if LO could cook for a couple weeks longer but i'm sure all will be ok if not! My friend was like that roughly 8 weeks-ish prior to her due date but she was also losing her waters too, so they induced her 5 weeks early and her LO was perfectly fine and healthy and all went fine for her xx

Have no experience of this, but hope that baby stays put a while longer!!! xxxx
Omg, this baby is really testing you guys, hopefully will stay put a little longer x
Oh wow exciting but must be scary too being so early. I'm sure the docs know best though and LO will be just fine coming into the world early, he/she just can't wait to meet you!
I don't appear to losing my plug or any water at the moment so I guess this will be a sure sign things are under way. However the MW did say not everyone experiences this and water/plug can go at the same time! I will keep you posted x
Well sounds like the doctors know what they're talking about! Hope everything goes well, and fingers crossed baby stays put a lil while longer! If not tho, hope its quick for you !
Last night was a bit of struggle with being a bit sore and I'm starting to feel washed out/ill :( Tummy still cramping but not regular so I reckon this is just BHs.

I was looking through my notes and it said I was contracting 3:10 palpable, what does this mean? x

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