Waters broke!! In hospital only 33wks!

Good luck hon hope they are taking good care of you xx
I dont know how to update properly so im just gonna have to keep doing it this way im afraid. Still no baby!! Waters are still going ALOT! And blood aswell, i feel fine and hopefully they will let me go home today so ill update on new thread once spoken to doctor, thanks for ur lovely messages and support!! X
Good luck Hun! My older brother was born 6 weeks early 30years ago and he was fine tiny but fine! And he is now a healthy 6ft 30yr old! :)
i had my daughter at 33wks and honestly she was just as healthy as a newborn! just smaller :) if baby decides to come you WILL both be fine!

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Good luck for today. Have they said anything about the risks of infection with losing your waters? I always thought if your waters and plug went that they only left you 24 hours before induction, i could be making that up though, lol x
I thought that aswell, appareently if ur 38wks or over and water breaks they will leave u 48hrs then get baby out incase of infection, but if they go as early as mine the waters can grow back! So ill be monitored weekly to see if water is coming back, and get baby out at 36wks as infections start to happen, im on antibiotics 4times a day so i dont get an infection im my womb, but it just seems so wrong that there not bothered i suppose they know what there doing. X
Oh i didnt know they could come back, thats good then. Glad youre being well looked after x
Glad it's all settling down for you x My cousin had her little boy 2 weeks ago at 33 weeks. Only spent a few days in hospital to be monitored and then home, absolutely nothing wrong with him x
It seems to be more common than you realise doesnt it, quite reassuring that if we do go into labour then baby wouldnt need lots of special care x
Glad things have settled hun :) hope all is ok and waters come back x x
Thinking of you both, I'm sure everything will be fine your in the best place xxxxx
Sending you lots of love, and hope the baby is all ok, and is staying nice and warm.
My friends have gone at 27 weeks she's in hosp also due to bleeding but scans have shown baby still has some water around her.
Aww good luck chick, I know a girl that had her LO at 34 weeks and was perfectly healthy. I had my DD at 36 weeks and she weighed over 7lb haha. Aye Ive read that the waters can grow back, you just have to keep drinking stacks of water xxx
Good Luck. Least they can grow back. But if LO does decide to come, you will both be fine :)
Your in the best place and least they will check you every week x

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