Omg think im gonna faint!


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
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Morning ladies! The OH pressured me into taking a test this morning! It was my ebay strip one and after abiut a minute it came up with a faint bright pink line but after i would say about 7 minutes the line disappered and it was just the control line remaining. I have no idea what this means? X
Ohhhhh how exciting and disappointing at same time. They do say read your result at the 5 minute mark and anything after that is evap so if you got your line BEFORE the 5 mins and then it went away then that is a very goid sign. If I was you id get a first response today, wait until fmu tomorrow and test again..... hope this is it!
I agree with Tracey - get thee to a chemist for a cbd or FR pronto!!
:dust:!!! Xxx
Oh gosh - that's a tricky one...

I think it depends on if the dye was still moving when you saw the line.

Sometimes i can see a line form as the dye pools around the test area, but then it kind of moves on and all collects around the control line leaving the test area negative.

You hormones should double every day if you are pregnant, so testing as early as tomorrow should clarify the situation.

Good luck :)
Right ladies heres an update. Im at my sisters for xfactor n then the take that programme n takeaway lol n she just needed to know and made me take one of her leftover ebay cheapies and this was the result. The line came up after one minute and has stayed there since and it was 10 minutes ago. I know it was there after a minute coz we timed it on our fones (bro in law thinks we r both mad lol) and this is the result. I just am unsure as the lines seem far apart? All the other bfp pics i have seen with these tests the lines r close ;( i dont think its an evap coz lines appeared in one minute and the line is pink.My sister reckons its a bfp but just wanted my lovely ladies opinion xxx
The lines look to far apart to could b just a build up of dye. I can kinda see a shadow were I expect the 2nd line to b which looks like the dreaded evap that these tests r prone 2 xx
I agree. I've read that if the lines are too far apart, it's not a BFP because the dye has not collected where it's meant to (can't remember the proper name for it). I agree with the above comment and can see a very faint shadow where I would expect a BFP line but in all honesty, I would take this result with a pinch of salt.

Try a proper brand test hun, with FMU. Hope you get a BFP. x x
Yea thats what i thought! Thank u me and the sis just had a big debate about it LOL i said to her u have had 3 kids surely u should know what a bfp looks like lmao right thats it now NO more testing until AF is late! Gonna tell everyone to wait grrr its just my sis n the OH they r so obsessed lol if the OH starts tomoz im gonna say to him how about u go and poas lol!!! The wicked witch should show her ugly face monday or tuesday xx
Thanks missjuly just seen ur comment.. Think we posted at the exact same time lol yea i got a frer but wanna save it for tuesday. Really hope it is too would be the best xmas pressie ever! Xxx
I've been having the same issues with my ebay cheapies, I see two lines, but they're too far apart to be BFP. My husband doesn't even trust them anyway but they give me a quick fix for doing a test anyway!

I would aim for the same date - save the FR for the day of or day after AF is due. :)

All the best hun, not long to go! x x

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