Pregnancy test problem????....


Mar 20, 2011
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took a midstream pregnancy test and as soon as i did before the control line showed up a very faint line showed up in the test window, still after 3 minutes the control line didnt show up, so i assumed this was invalid.
after a couple of hours a went back to look lol :roll: as you do.. and there was a dark pink control line like there should be and still a very faint line in the test window.
i am going to take another test tomorrow but its been playing on my mind. :wall2:
what are your thoughts?....
I've never heard of that before - if the control line doesn't show up the test is invalid, but very strange that it would be there later and not faint... I'd take another test x
i plan on taking a clear blue tomorrow im waiting for them to come back of ebay.
i already have a 3 month old. been using pull-out method and now il be 2 weeks late tomorrow. so confused.
Never heard of this!!

Good luck for your cb test though Hun x

hmm, the fact that you got a line on the test seems it picked up something but odd about the control line. I would test with fmu tomorrow.

I too have a 4 month old and am 2-3 weeks late(im def not preg-done 16 tests) but think it may have been starting the min pill- as I only had one period on it. You getting any symptoms?

I hope you get the result you want tomorrow. xx
well i had my first proper period since giving birth last month.
and funny enough it was on feb 7th dead on the day i had my last period before i got pregnant with my son so it came back regular lol.
and now il be 2 weeks late tomorrow and ive been using the pull out method (silly i know!)
i havent got any symptoms but then again when i was with my son i felt nothing only new because of a missed period.
did the wee travel all the way up the stick? sounds really silly i know haha! but when i tested with my first, i discarded the test cos it didnt go up and went to check it one last time before i binned it and it started moving up whilst i watched and came up with a bfp straight away! and my 2nd was concieved at the same time as what yours will have been if you are preg now ;) the result of pulling out that went wrong, mainly cos he forgot to pull out :lol:
yeh the pull out method rarely works-and you can get some little swimmer pre-pull out! Im the same with symptoms, when I got my bfp this time last year it was a shock! id had no symptoms at all, was slimming a lost 5lbs that week-funny now that im getting bfn and getting all the symptoms under the sun!

Do let us know how you get on this morn with the clear blue. x
still waiting for my clear blue digitals of ebay god they take the p*** lol
dying to go down the shop and buy a different one but because ive payed for clear blues im trying to resist!
really scared to be honest as my son is only 3 and a half months old so if i was he would only be 1 by the time i had it.... how would i cope lol
you would because you would have too, my sis in law was 4 months when she got preg and she was a fantastic routine and copes really well. they are 1 and 2. your babs would occupy eachother. i was gutted when i got bfn last week- made me reaslise that i wanted #3! why dont you pick up a,tesco or sains- theyre even a pound in poundland! might be worth it to stop you fretting. x
My 1st was conceived on pull out and he is 14 now lol, you will cope with 2 close together aswell i have a 12 month age gap between 3rd and 4th but as 3rd was 2 months prem he was really 10 months, those first few weeks were hard work but now the are 5 and 6 its great and has been since they were 6 months and 18 months they are interested in same thing I am having a 15 month age gap this time and i know the early days i am going to be tired but then i cant wait to see them together a few months down the line.
Aww im sure you'll manage chick - goodluck for wen ur CBDs come!!
thanks i know i would just need a routine.. partners not to keen on the idea of having two so close in age.. but then i again i do most of it and using the pull out method is not exactly safe.
hopefully my clear blues will be here 2moro. im not wuite sure what i want the the result to be.
if it has happened you'll manage hun! my two are a year and 17 days apart and i've been a single mum since my eldest was 11 months! its hard work, but well worth it :cloud9:

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