Omg Omg Omg I feel so lied too!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2010
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I have doused myself in every oil, cream, moisturiser u can think bump itches like mad n I found 4 long silvery stretch marks!!!!
And where i really didn't want them :/
I look like I have the M1, M4 and M25 running from my pubic area to my belly button!!
Whyyyyy!!!! Why do they itch?? I feel like I have tickle critters on my bump....I just want to dig my nails in n scratch.... I didn't know it would itch so bad :shock:

Someone help me before I start rubbing my bump against a tree like bageera the bear!!!!
I use spa o2 hand and body lotion not reccomended anywhere for stretch marks but I haven't got any and it makes my skin feel really soft and I put it on when i'm itchy and it helps relieve it. x
I'm willing try anything to stop the itching
Where can I get it from hun?
I got it from boots for christmas last year, I shall google for you :) x
I use doublebase from doctors on prescription as it's for itchy skin :) x
I have a Drs app next week. But I need something sooner before I start gyrating on a wall or tree lol
Can only find it on ebay now :( it's olive sage and cocoa butter so i guess u could find cream with those in =/. x
I use doublebase from doctors on prescription as it's for itchy skin :) x

you cant beat double base i use it too but mine is for eczema really oh well doesnt matter if i run out i have it on repeat prescription x
I am the same lealea scratching like crazy and I have the stretchmarks too!

By the way its baloo the bear and baggera is the panther :) can you tell in a Disney freak!
Oh noooo, nothing worse than being itchy!

I would say also the Aveeno is good and the moisturising effect seems to last a long time. I also got some Mama Mio tummy rub oil and omega body cream when I had discount codes for their website (its a bit pricey otherwise) and they seem to be really good.

Hope you get rid of the dreaded itch soon!
Loool I'm a Disney fanatic but not a massive fan of the jungle book :(

Thank u ladies. It's worse now that I have this tube body bandage looking support belt from physio......bonus is I can scratch thru it without scarring my skin looool
awww hun i had that when i got my stretchmarks with joe, its awful isnt it :(
I use a herbel thing and it proper helped, will have a look what its called in a bit and let u no, dnt think its too expensive and it worked for me :) xx

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