OMG I've got a PILE!


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2011
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Eww! I have felt a lot of pressure around my bum these last few weeks...then it felt swollen around my bum area (trying to put it nicely here :lol: ) So tonight I touched my bum area (GROSS!) and I have what I think is a solo PILE! :shock:

Its not sore or bothering me really, it just feels swollen around my bum area! Geez I NEVER EVER thought I'd get piles! I looked it up and basically its due to the pressure of baby on the blood vessels in that area, as I'm not constipated, drink plenty of water and eat high fibre food.

I'm just gobsmacked tbh :rofl: And now I'm freaking out that I'll have MWs checking me during labour who'll see my wee solo pile! Geez, I hope no more poke out! x
I had piles in tri 2! Can totally sympathise with ya. Try sitting in a cool bath about an inch or two deep that helped also I drank certain fruit juices that helped - if you google I'm sure ul find them ( was something like blackberry/ blueberry mix) xx

Vbac didn't happen n I'll do labor thread, but if I was to ever be pregnant again I would av section 110% x x x
babymomma I had a solo pile a few weeks back - get yourself a prescription for anusol, that sorted mine right out! x
I've had (multiple) piles pretty much constantly since about 16/17 weeks :rofl: Bless you and your singleton :) he he xx
Vbac didn't happen n I'll do labor thread, but if I was to ever be pregnant again I would av section 110% x x x

Ah chick, from what I hear you did absolutely fantastic! I'm so proud of you! I mean that. You gave it a go and in the end, you did what was right for your little princess. Really pleased for you that she is here safe and sound. I'll keep a wee eye out for your labour thread. Sending you mega :hug: xxxx
Well solo pile has disappeared again! It must just like poking out to say "ello" after a numero two :lol: x
I noticed one the other day too! I totally freaked out and got OH to go out and get anusol :lol: I'm freaking out about going into labour and anyone seeing - I will be totally mortified :rofl:

I would have never imagined that I would have a my first pile at 19 years old!! :lol:

Glad yours has disappeared :)xxx
I got one the other day and was pretty freaked lol but I had a bath and got some anusol and it's gone away...I was hoping it would be one pregnancy thing that I would miss but apparently not lol
I got one the other day and was pretty freaked lol but I had a bath and got some anusol and it's gone away...I was hoping it would be one pregnancy thing that I would miss but apparently not lol

I was so hoping I would avoid them too lol, managed to avoid piles and stretchmarks up to 37 weeks then boom - a pile and 2 stretchmarks in one go :rofl:

Did yours go away quite quickly??

Yeah it was 2 days I think, so pretty quick, the cream is definitely a good idea

Every time I go to the loo I think I'll find another one lol

I was the same with the stretch marks......had absolutely nothing until about 2weeks I have a funky little pattern going on under my belly button lol
Ohhh hopefully this cream works then, used it this morning so fingers crossed :)

I'm scared to go to the loo and find a whole family of them has appeared :rofl:
Haha ive had a lot of piles too just really random. Its amazin that people dnt tell u all the embarassin stuff before u get pregnant. Im just worried about having a poo cuz knowin my luck it will be a messy one (during labour ob)...argh lol
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