Ok time for tmi... Dc question..


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2006
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I've had to wear pantyliners for the past two months due to slight incontinence and increased dc.. But since last night it's been so heavy and a slight yellow colour.. It doesn't smell bad.. Kind of sweet actually tbh.. I can feel it come out all day and everything it's gross... Normal???
Thanks! Was getting quite worried considering I was in hosp for almost a week last week.. Had enough of things going wrong :(
Aw bless u. Yes it was quite yellow towards the end and I always wore a pad so remember thinking ooo why's that happening but didn't seen to be any problems ( but that's my experience ! ) xx
Thanks hun.. I'll mention it at my next mw app.. Just to be safe.. Thanks for the reassurance in the meantime :D
OMG is your waters not supposed to be sweet smelling??

I'm not sure chick - you might wanna check it out?!

I know it sounds a bit horrible but just make sure its not pee first, i've had alot of leaking this pregnancy & i'm having to wear sanitary towels constantly, thats been since about 3 months gone, so hasn't just started or anything.

Yeah Ive had to wear them constantly too.. I don't think it's pee coz it's too thick.. Its not thick like a show.. Which tbh I think I had that a couple of days ago not blood tinged just v yellow n thick.. But didn't wanna ask if it was or not lol.. Thought they was always supposed to be blood tinged.. I've never had a show.. But then I know it can grow back so a show isn't really a sign of labour.. Still getting strong bh all day nothing regular.. Got me breathless all bloody day tho :roll:

I don't think it's waters as waters r clear.. This is yellowy.. Hmm..
On a brighter note I've felt loads of movements today :cheer: hiccups about 7 times so far :roll: lol!
Waters is always the one thing that confuses me, as i've only ever been induced & had them broken for me, mines were totally see through, and thicker than pee - almost like a slightly syrupy texture if that makes sense. I have never seen plug so dont have a clue but I know it doesn't always have blood.

Thats good about the movement :yay:

Any other signs like sickness or anything? Or the feeling of needing to stay at home?

Could it be a yeast infections hunny? Did they do a swab when you were at the hospital? x x
Yeah my waters were totally clear and thicker than pee, that's y I know it's not waters.. I've still got backache (not as bad as when I was in hosp) and bh.. I do feel a bit sicky but prob coz I've had a big hunger thing since coming out of hosp lol non stop hunger it's horrible!!

I had multiple urine tests sent off, and a swab.. They said before I went home that the swap from my first day in there showed something beginning with c.. And gave me a pessary which I took tues eve.. Hurt like hell :( so if I had an infection they'd know right? I did have blood in urine and leu.. But I done a sample before monitoring thurs and she said it was all clear.. Maybe the pessary threw off the results? That's y I didn't do one Wednesday coz it was still coming out (tmi sorry) all chalky..
The more you describe it the more it does sound like thrush but surely they would of picked it up on the swab- but after what they put you through, you never know! x x
I know :( evil people lol!
I'll see the mw about it on wed and see if she can come up with something productive!!
Thanks ladies :)
Yeah my waters were totally clear and thicker than pee, that's y I know it's not waters.. I've still got backache (not as bad as when I was in hosp) and bh.. I do feel a bit sicky but prob coz I've had a big hunger thing since coming out of hosp lol non stop hunger it's horrible!!

I had multiple urine tests sent off, and a swab.. They said before I went home that the swap from my first day in there showed something beginning with c.. And gave me a pessary which I took tues eve.. Hurt like hell :( so if I had an infection they'd know right? I did have blood in urine and leu.. But I done a sample before monitoring thurs and she said it was all clear.. Maybe the pessary threw off the results? That's y I didn't do one Wednesday coz it was still coming out (tmi sorry) all chalky..

Hey hun, the something beginning with c was probably candida - which is normally thrush xx
Hey hun!....If it's only slightly yellow- a creamy kindof colour I have been told this is normal. Went through a period a month or 2 back of quite a bit of this and discussed with MW who said it was normal. My dc can vary in amount (tmi, sorry!) , sometimes quite a lot, sometimes not v much and MW agreed that this is related to hormones. I would have thought with all the swabs you've had they would have picked up infection and treated it if needed. If you're not sore, red, itching or burning when u pee I wouldn't worry too much? Maybe just mention it next time u go or if concerned ring MW and just have a chat. xx
Yeah candida... They gave me a pessary for that..

Thanks hun glad I'm not the only one! I'll defo give a mention to the mw at my next app I dont think it's urgent enough to call them..

I never had any symptoms before either just extreme abdominal pain that felt like a uti inside if u know what I mean but no probs peeing or anything else..
Yeh, just mention it next time. If you've already been treated for the candida then I wouldn't have thought this was anything to worry about which is good...........you've been thru enough recently!xx
Tell me about it lol I need at least a weeks break from problems lol!!
So I'm texting my OH while waiting to get in the bath.. Naked of course.. When I feel a trickle going down my leg.... Clear but at the drip it's like whitish like semen... Wtf??
I had the exact same thing happen a few weeks ago, turned out to be nothing but you should still call asap just to check hun its better to be safe than sorry. I had this, it ran down my legs just after I'd got out the shower but I was totally dry. They checked and it wasnt waters. I put a pad on but nothing more came out... the MW explained that sometimes you can feel a trickle and it can just stop because baby could move and their head can act like a plug if you know what I mean? You should defo get it checked hun xx
Note to self: don't fill the bath up too much.. You are PREGNANT and it WILL overflow when ur fat ass gets in!! :wall: :lol:

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