well as said above - everyone is different and not only that your individual births can be different...
with my 1st daughter i was induced, it took 4 days to work and she was born 10 days late. I was very sore from internals, pessarys, mild contractions for 3 days and had gas and air, pethedine and epidural. Once the epidural finally worked (took 3 attempts at repositioning it) it was bliss and i didn't feel a thing after about 5cm. up to 5 cm was bearable with gas and air. Pushed for an hour, 2nd degree tear which didn't give me any pain at all afterwards.. piles were one of the worst things to deal with after.
with my 2nd daughter (now 2 weeks old) i was booked for induction at 12 days over and finally went into labour at 11 days over much to my surprise and delight! Got mild, irregular contractions for most of the day and went to hosp to be told i was 1-2cm and was sent home... within half hour i went back to hosp and was 6cm.... i won't lie these contractions were not nice and i was already shouting my way through them and to be honest they just got more and more intense. Things happened really quick for me though... at 11:30pm i was 1-2cm... then midnight i was 6cm then she was born at 2:21am. No time for epidural so HAD to manage on gas and air much against my wishes and found the pain very very intense.
To be honest inbetween contractions you are ok but the next one comes around so quick and you just have to concentrate on getting through them one at a time! I made noises i din't know i could make and when it got to the pushing part my body just took over and felt like everything inside me was turning to concrete and squeezing the baby out... the head crowned and it felt like ripping/tearing (prob cos it was!) and then the shoulders felt like they were wedged and would never come out - but they did! Being stitched up afterwards was a doddle compared to labout even though i could feel the needle every time.
So looking at my 2 birth experiences i would choose the induction with epidural and pain relief ANYDAY! Everyone said "oh but aren't you proud you did it just on gas and air and you can go straight home?" (we were home by 5am and she was born at 2:21am).. but i said "NO if i could go back in time i would rather have had the epidural, had to stay in hospital longer, had the catheter and NOT had to feel that awful intense pain once it got past about 6-7cms!
As everyone tells you though mother nature has a wonderful way of making you forget - i would already have another baby tomorrow and i SWORE minutes after delivery that i would never do it again. I can only really remember the pain because i harped on about it so much in the days after the birth!!!
My stitches gave me a bit of grief this time and took longer to heal but 2 weeks down the road and my bits are almost back to normal.
First time around i bled for about 6 weeks.. this time just 2 weeks and there's virtually nothing now..
piles were defintaley the biggest (and i mean BIG) pain in the bum for me!!!
No matter how many stories you read though YOUR birth will be totally unique and until it happens you just don't know what might happen. My best advice - keep open-minded - don't get fixed on a particular type of birth you want as it could all change - and have as much pain relief as they will give you (why be in pain when there's no need!)