OHs who smoke


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2008
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Out of interest how many of you have OHs who smoke? And do you think that it attects you TTC?

I worked out that since we concieved my daughter 2 years ago my OH has smoked over 2000 cigarettes. This is surely not helping out TTC situation.

Has anyone got any success stories about getting their partners to give up the habit?
My OH smokes, but then so do I (please no nasty comments), I have always sworn I would give up the second I find out Im pregnant, and have cut down dramatically in preparation.

This is our first month TTC, so Im not expecting a BFP anytime soon!

My husband has 2 children from his previous marriage and was a much heavier smoker then, and didnt affect his TTC with his ex!

I have read that men who smoke can be less fertile, but then everyone is different.
Hi Elliebelle and Cupcake

I am a smoker too and like you Elliebelle, plan to give up immediately I get a BFP.. We are off on holiday this time next week and we have set our date for the weekend we get home to both give up! This is also our first month of trying.

Cupcake - I have read and been told by my doctor that it is best for the DH to give up smoking as it effects the tail of ther sperm that provides the strength to swim to the egg but I know of many couples that smoked both before and throughout pg and have very healthy, happy children.

Sorry I have not been much help.

Elliebelle - are you scared that once you find out you are pregnant you will not be able to give up? This is one of my biggest fears as I really would like to give our child the best start..
My OH is a smoker and we got 2 bfp's last year.
Although at the moment he is trying to quit.
me and my OH smoke, i cut down when i was PG with my first too and gave up with my 3rd when i was 20 weeks and gave up completley with my 4th and gave up when i was pg with my 5th (my lil angel i lost).
after having all my children i always went back smoking again, i don't smoke as many as i used to before i had children (im only smoking at most 5 a day mostley in the evenings)
But i so wish i could give up completley like i did when i was pg the last few times, i think i only smoke now because i get bored once the children have gone to bed.
i hope that makes sense.
My OH smokes, though he has cut down a little bit. This could be reason as to why we havent conceived yet, its hard to say for sure really. I presume the reason we havent conceived yet is a mixture of all the things we used to do too much of, eating unhealthily, drinking too much and smoking like chimneys. I must admit I do still have the occassional ciggie, but only when Im having a drink, which is usually when AF is here. I wouldnt smoke in the 2ww.
my oh smokes about 10 a day, and like you loola i smoke when af is here and im drowning my sorrows :roll: since i got my bfp dh has really tried to stop we never smoked in the house always outside but now he hides round the side of the house thinking i wont know :rotfl:

i dont really know if dh smoking effected our chances of a bfp as over the past few years i have had quite a few bfp, i think if there is another fertility problem like low sperm or something i think then smoking would make a difference, if that make sense :think:
Hi :wave:
Both me n hubby are smokers i only smoke 2 or 3 day some days none i did stop with all 3 pregnancies my hubby smokes 20 a day easy has done for years and we have 3 kids.
Thanks for al the replies. I guess there are loads of people out there who smoke and still have no trouble concieving. Now I feel bad about having a go at my OH last night!! I think that I've just become so obsessed with TTC that I tend to over-analyze every factor in our lives that might help/hinder having a baby. OH probably needs a fag after all the stress I give him!!
Hiya ladies,my dh smokes up to 10-15 a day and has diaebetes as well
i always tell him to stop smoking but hes been unsuccessful on many times to stop smoking bless him :(

I don't smoke myself but it took a long time ttc our two girls,don't know
weather smoking played a part or his health or my health really :think:
Cupcake said:
Thanks for al the replies. I guess there are loads of people out there who smoke and still have no trouble concieving. Now I feel bad about having a go at my OH last night!! I think that I've just become so obsessed with TTC that I tend to over-analyze every factor in our lives that might help/hinder having a baby. OH probably needs a fag after all the stress I give him!!

Don't feel bad hun, you are right to be concerned. There is a huge amount of evidence to suggest that smoking effects fertility. Here is just two of many articles that you can find on the internet


OH and I both used to smoke and it took us 28 months to fall.
Im surprised at the amount of ppl who smoke!! OH and I are both smokers too and like the rest of you will 100% pack it in if/when i get my BFP. I know that i should give up now while ttc but its so stressful! They say that by the time you get your BFP you are 2 weeks PG so really all that smoking affects the baby. The way i see it though is that there are so many ppl out there who get PG when they take drugs and all sorts so technically us smokers arent that bad!!

Ill be such a witch if i try and stop now! LOL
My Oh smokes about 20-30 a day and has done since he was about 14 (hes 33) he also smokes weed ( another story) and I can't say we've ever had any problems conciving. With all 3 kids I've got caught straight away :) I don't smoke but I am over weight so I guess we've been lucky.
my DH smokes hes had no problems in ttc hes had 2 kids with his ex and it took 5months to concieve our 1st (after me comeing off the pill) then with our 2nd it also took 5 months (also after comeing off the pill) so every 1 is different..
My OH smokes alot and the fertility specialist is always having a go at him :lol: He has cut down drastically and exercises and eats healthily so he is trying. I have a smoke when AF arrives and I'm depressed so i reach for the smokes :roll:
Mine smokes socially. Can't say if this affects fertility seeing we were able to conceive last year.

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