OH's sperm test


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2010
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So, finally persuaded OH to have his sperm count test thingy done. First of all he came back laughing at 'the room' which apparently had a flat screen TV with a choice of 3 films and a stack of magazines to get you in the mood. He claims he didn't watch the films but did know quite alot about what they were about :oooo: But now he's really nervous about it and all in a flap in case, in his words "it's all my fault". The upside is he now realises how I feel every month when AF comes, which is good. Results should be in on 29th apparently but what is a good level? And how many of your OH's have done the same?
My OH has had the test. I can't remember what is normal, he did get the print out to 'prove it' to me but it didn't make much sense but apparently all is ok with him. Tell your OH not to worry it only takes 1 :sperm:

I'm sure he'll be fine too but he's making a bit of a drama out of it. I just want to cross it off the list really as apparently years ago he had this vein problem on his testicle and is now worried it may affect his sperm count.
I'm sure it will, he's getting off lightly with all the waiting we have to put up with!
They get off lightly with the whole pregnancy/ birth situation! LOL

I want to get my hubby to do this and have even been thinking about the fertility tests from off of ebay,
Would just be nice to know if its me or him, although I suspect its me as he already has 3 children,
My OH did this at home and took the sample to the hospital. On the bus :rofl:
Hopefully everything will come back fine :)

Like Flopsy said, it only takes one.

According to the home test i did - the minimum normal result is 20million per ml.

As long as he produces 1 healthy sperm in the 150million he produces per ejaculation then you always have options ;)
How do you get the "At home" tests? My fella has hinted he'd like to get his done (as once upon a time he got a girl prego) so he wants to try and put our minds at ease xx
Well, 1 in 150 million is pretty good going! He has a pretty good chance I'd say. My dr recommended a private clinic and oh said it was nice. Neither of us have ever had children so we're both in the dark as it were.
I can't imagine taking that kind of thing on the bus! Hilarious.
it will certainly make you look at other people on the bus in another way....you never know what they have in their pockets! :)
I am going to try one of those home thingy jobs !!!! I didnt even know they existed.... just checked out the link and you can get a male and female pack for £23 ....... i think thats really good xxx
My doctor said those home tests are a total waste of time, the results are wildly inacurate and they don't properly check mobility which is much more likely to be the factor than quantity. You are far more likely to have 'sluggish' sperm than 'low' sperm, but that wont be picked up.

We bought one anyway, and it didnt even work.

So we are also in the waiting period of getting results back from the nearest fertility clinic. Another ten days I would imagine, and it's very stressful! But I really say do that not the home test, because then you know for real!!

Mine worked fine.

I would kind of expect a doctor to say that to be honest.

Has your doctor tried the home tests themself then? Tis true that there are limitiations and other possibilities, but it's one thing ticked off anyway without the referral/private fee, trip to the clinic and several stressful days wait...
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it's one thing ticked off anyway without the referral/private fee, trip to the clinic and several stressful days wait...

Quite true Louise, people should try it if you want that bit a bit extra peace of mind, I was just saying I was told it doesnt cover everything. Plus I was quite pissy at spending £25 on it and it didnt work, no result came up at all, so i wasted the cash, but I'm sure that's not normal.
It was a bit costly (just under €200) but I don't know how much it costs in England. Probably no more than I've spent on pregnancy tests in the last 9 bloody months. Kind of interesting to see the tables turn though and have OH panic instead of me (sorry if that makes me sound like a sadist but it's always me who ends up in tears every month).

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