Sperm Tests


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2005
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Hi all

After trip to docs last week, he suggested that me and the fab b/f do testing. Mine consists of peeing on ovulation strips (easy enough), but for b/f it is the dreaded sperm test.

He's said he will do it, but obviously it's a pretty scary prospect for him. Esp. since doctor said he wanted to have a chat with him beforehand. I think he was hoping he could post a jam jar through the letterbox before they opened one morning!! :lol:

I've a couple of questions:

1. Has anyone's fella gone through this and can they offer any words of encouragement (so to speak) :oops:

2. I've heard about home sperm tests. Has anyone done one of these or heard anything about how reliable they are? I'm thinking it might be easier to test at home, then if all looks ok it will be easier to do doctor's test.

Let me know what you think....
Hello Helen

I haven't been through it yet but am going to soon. I was supposed to have had a blood test last monday with the nurse, but what happened my af arrived early so I had to cancel it!

I have had an appointment with my dr and explained to him that I have been ttc for over a year so he has referred me for the blood tests. The nurse I spoke to was lovely, she told me that I will need to have a 5 day blood test then another at 21 days so they can see exactly what is going on. Depending on the results of these tests is whether or not my DH has to have a sperm test. He too thought that he could drop his sample in, and isn't too keen on having a consultation beforehand, well actually if I am honest he isn't keen on it all full stop!

I am going on holiday on Saturday for 2 weeks so have to ring the nurse when I get back to arrange my appointments. I hope that you both get sorted, let me know how you get on and I will keep you updated with me!!

Take care Xxx
Hi Lindsay

Thanks for your reply. It's good to know that there is someone else going through the same thing as us. We've only been trying since January but I think because I'd tried with my ex unsucesfully for 18 months the doc was ok about starting to look at us. That said I don't think he wants to do anything else until the New Year when I've had chance to do a few months of ovulation tests. Hopefully by then my fella will have plucked up courage to do his test!

I've ordered tons of sticks to wee on and am hoping they show something positive.

Hope you have a great holiday. Let me know how you get on when you are back.



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