OH's sperm test

I know what you mean. But I feel dreadful now that it is my DH who is waiting for his results, he's starting to suffer from stress I think. In bed yesterday he started asking me how I would feel if his results came back saying he cant have kids. It's playing on his mind and today I heard him ring his doctor to see if the results were back (which they're not and not due to be for at least another week) and I felt so bad to see him worrying about it. :-(
I feel bad for OH too, I can see him panicking and he asked me the same questions. I told him it was him I married and not his sperm and I'm not about to leave him if he has a problem it will just make us look at other options rather than going through with another 15 months of worrying before the drs will do anything. 15 months, god that's an age.
On a brighter note, Louise, I love your new pic with the pumpkin!!
OH got his results, they don't look good..although there in dr language and I can't make out most of it.
Can anyone help? As you may or may not know OH is Italian and we live in Italy so I'm translating the results, apologies if I get stuff wrong. He has to go to the drs tommorow, so I'm hoping he'll make some sense of it but in the meanwhile the test tesults say this:
- S-Ac anti-sperm - Negative (this is good as far as I can see)
- Ls-Ac anti-sperm - Positive (this is bad as far as I can work out)
Then it says some more complicated stuff about bacteria that I can't figure out.
and then it says no. per ml= 164.000.000 which looks good BUT
only 9% are normal, 31% have unstructured heads
22% unstructured tails and 28% are just unstructured.
And loads more complicated stuff but from whatever way I look at it, it just seems desperate.
Why....and he has this variocele thing on his testicle.
Help, I'm never going to sleep tonight, I feel like crying.
Omg sorry i cant help at all but want to send you a *big hug* hope you get it all explained soon! It only takes 1....
Thank you Tracey, am trying to put a brave face on it for OH's sake but am really worried and did the worst thing ever and googled it and and almost convinced myself we'll have to have IVF and all sorts.
Am close to tears, just hope dr clears things up a little tomorrow.
Just googled to try to find something useful for you but failed... just keep your chin up, take a deep breath and just wait to see what the Dr says.

No amount of you stressing and worrying is going to change anything at all - so you may as well relax? :)
You're right, I tried a lot of googling but you know where that gets us! OH went to the drs yesterday but there were no appointments so he made one for next thurs..I'm going to go with him so I get all the facts. Feeling better about it now.
What happened with your OH star fish?
UPDATE! Went to the drs on thurs and he says everything's fine! OH sperm count is a bit on the low side but nothing to worry about at all! Phew phew phew, what lovely news. He also said that it only takes one and not to worry, easier said than done but a massive relief all the same!
Oh that's great Binzy!

My hubby has his test on the 20 somthing :)
You're right, I tried a lot of googling but you know where that gets us! OH went to the drs yesterday but there were no appointments so he made one for next thurs..I'm going to go with him so I get all the facts. Feeling better about it now.
What happened with your OH star fish?

We hopefully find out on Tuesday. It's been the longest wait! Keep your fingers crossed for me, for us x

PS. Don't write off IVF, I've had two friends who've done it, both successfully and they were really happy with how easy it was!
my OH has a low count, he got his little men tested and his were 5million with 20% mobility, low but im being told that it only takes one and that cos im not ovulating, im the problem and not him.

glad everythings on the upside hun xx
My OH did this at home and took the sample to the hospital. On the bus :rofl:

Same here as well my O/H did his 2 weeks ago and had to carry his on the bus lol

Did you go private? I didn't know they supplied flat screen tv's for the wankers..... :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Thanks girlies, it may be a bit lower than average but frankly getting pregnant seems a bit like russian roulette anyway so I'm trying not to think about it. I'm not ruling anything out but at least it gives us a reason to carry on the normal way for a while. Thanks for listening girls, I know I must be a bit of a bore at times. xx
Did you go private? I didn't know they supplied flat screen tv's for the wankers..... :lol::lol::lol::lol:

It was private hun but cos I'm in Italy and they don't have the NHS...
my OH has a low count, he got his little men tested and his were 5million with 20% mobility, low but im being told that it only takes one and that cos im not ovulating, im the problem and not him.

@ ema-lou, that's it, we just need one, but why is it so sodding hard??
OH got his results, they don't look good..although there in dr language and I can't make out most of it.
Can anyone help? As you may or may not know OH is Italian and we live in Italy so I'm translating the results, apologies if I get stuff wrong. He has to go to the drs tommorow, so I'm hoping he'll make some sense of it but in the meanwhile the test tesults say this:
- S-Ac anti-sperm - Negative (this is good as far as I can see)
- Ls-Ac anti-sperm - Positive (this is bad as far as I can work out)
Then it says some more complicated stuff about bacteria that I can't figure out.
and then it says no. per ml= 164.000.000 which looks good BUT
only 9% are normal, 31% have unstructured heads
22% unstructured tails and 28% are just unstructured.
And loads more complicated stuff but from whatever way I look at it, it just seems desperate.
Why....and he has this variocele thing on his testicle.
Help, I'm never going to sleep tonight, I feel like crying.

Hi Binzy. We got our results today and they are very very similar to yours. The doctor talked me through what everything means really thoroughly and so I'll just use yours as an example.

You need preferable over 20 million. Well you have 164 million!
Only 9% are normal, but 9% of 164 million is about 15 million (roughly)

15 million! It's an exceedingly good result. Why on earth you were crying you should be out celebrating? We had just slightly less in the count than you and my doctor called them 'super sperm' because of such a high concentration.

I can see your doc has reasurred you that you are in the normal range for unassisted pregnancy, so keep up the baby dancing and I have no doubt you will be soon!

As for us, well the result is similar, but in light of BabyLover just getting such a bad result I will keep my relief to a minimum. Mind you we've been trying 22 months now, so there are plenty of other things that could be wrong with us (me most probably) that we still havent explored. My doctor says when we get Referred they will do a dye test next to make sure my tubes are clear.

Starfish x
I know, when I read about babylover I felt really bad for her too. I was crying cos at the time I thought 20 million was the bare minimum and that less than that was a waste of time, plus I thought the anti-sperm things were killing the goodies if you see what I mean! Just goes to show, Googling is evil.

22 months is a long time hun, my 10 seems rather pathetic in comparison I know, it's just fear of the unknown I guess. The only upside is that at 24 months your doctor has to pull all the stops out so you can find out if there are any problems and what can be done about them instead of being disappointed every month. I think it's much better to visualise a solution to a problem than being in the dark constantly. Not that I hope you have any problems but it may be something minor than can be solved easily with the right medication.
I really hope they can put your mind at ease soon, xx
Thanks sweetie, me too, and same to you too. It doesnt matter how long anyones been trying it's still depressing month after month isnt it.

I've decided to try accupuncture. I found a guy who has a 60% success rate! That's a lot. Even my doc says it works incredibly well. So who knows maybe just a small extra boost and we'll be there
I've been thinking about that too, but wanted to give the OPKS a few months first, maybe I'll give it a go in the new year, but do let us know how you get on and what they do exactly. I'm intrigued, best of luck, xx
I'm on the accupuncture road at the minute (mainly for migraines and IBS) but I see the pin-man just before OV and again just before AF visits as he says he can help clear my body if its clogged up. Am not entirely sure how accupunture can help with fertility - any one know? x

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