oh no :(


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2007
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i got my blood results through this morning for the tests i had last wednesday at the midwife, i have to go for an early detailed scan on thursday at 9.40am as i have a "slightly increased risk" of having a baby with spina bifida :cry:

NO MATTER WHAT we'r having our little girl but i cant stop :cry:

i love her so much already and i want her to be ok!
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Try not to worry too much. My friend had the same when she was pregnant and at her detailed scan they found baby didn't have spina bifida so don't talk yourself into it until you've had the detailed scan and they can give you a much clearer image! :hug:
Please remember that it is only a 'slightly' increased risk. You both sound like extremely loving parents already your little girl is very fortunate to have you, and I hope everything goes well on thursday. xxx
Oh, I'm sorry to hear this but as the others say, try not to worry - it's only a slightly increased risk and I'm sure all will be fine at the scan xxx
Its easier said then done but don't get yourself upset over this yet a slightly increased chance is still not a huge chance the likelyhood is scan will show baby is absolutely fine and it will be lovely to see baby again and such a relief hope everythings ok for you! :hug: :hug:
Aww hun sorry to hear you've been feeling teary :hug:

Hope everything will be fine at the scan, I'm sure it will, and it doesn't take away from the fact that you will have a very loved daughter at the end of it all. :D As a friends said to me the other day...Don't focus or worry about the rainclouds of tomorrow, when the sun is shining today! :) xx
Sorry this is getting you down, I decided not to have the blood tests as I didnt with DS and Im older so the risks are slightly higher for any abnormailties, I dont need a blood test to tell me that. We would never not have this LO so I feel that I dont need to know anything that my regular growth scans and anomolie scan wont tell me....my midwife and Consultant gave me approving nods and said some times these tests give more upsent unsssisarily than actually diagnose problems, although for those that want it I agree that they are very worth while.

try not to get too panicked at this stage remember that it said slight chance not definate and your scan will hopefully give you a better guide.

Hoping everything turns out OK
I also declined these blood tests as I wont be having an abortion anyway :talkhand:

I can understand why people would want to know but in all honesty they can only 'calculate risk percentages' and 'guess' and who knows...baby may be perfectly fine :roll:

I hope that you get some positive results so that you don't have to worry any longer :hug:
Aww :hug: I'm sure your little girl is ok, it's natural to worry. I hope the scan goes ok :hug:
I will DEFINATELY NOT be having an abortion/termination either, the reason we went ahead with the tests was so we can be prepared but to be honest i never expected anything to come back like this :(

im feeling a lot better now, just wish thursday would hurry up and come.

do you think if something was wrong the lady on sat at babybond would have told me? she had mentioned i have a low lying placenta but this is common at this stage but thats all her concerns were

thanks for the hugs and the reassuring messages!
Glad you're feeling better hun :hug: I declined the blood test so I don't know what you're going through but wanted to say that I am sure everything will be fine :D A slight increase is just that, a SLIGHT increase!

I hope you can smile on Thursday when the MW says everything is fine!! :hug: xx
:hug: :hug: It must be so difficult not to worry. I hope that you get the best news on Thurs. :hug: :hug:
I had the blood tests, I just wanted to be forewarned if there were any complications with our baby.

My sister does ultrasounds for a living and when she saw my 12 week scan she checked out the depth of the skin on the back of the neck and declared that she wouldn't be worried about Downs Syndrome. I have no idea whether spina bifida can show on scans or not though she didn't mention checking for that.

Wikipedia says that 'Neural tube defects can usually be detected during pregnancy by testing the mother's blood (AFP screening) or a detailed fetal ultrasound'. I would think that babybond's scans are very detailed and they may have referred you to your midwife if they were worried about anything.

:hug: I hope Thursday comes quickly for you :hug:
Try not to worry too much, my sister had the same with my nephew and he was born without spina bifia although he did decided to come 3 months early weighing 2lb 9oz but he's fine now and I don't think his prem birth had anything to do with the spinia bifia results at all, was just the way it was. They don't always get it right so remember that and stay positive. :hug:

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