Oh no...bladder control


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2011
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Now, this is the first time this has happened so I'm a bit puzzled. I've just been for a wee and I couldn't stop it mid flow

I've been struggling with the pelvic floor exercises today, not being able to do it properly as well, it feels tight down there.

Aaaaarrrgghh tell me this is temporary!!
Mine seemed to do this later, I had no trouble right after birth, trying to build strength back up in the muscles now.
How strange for it to start now though?

i know - i woulda expected it to start right after birth - but mine didnt. xxx
i was playing with lexie yesterday and decided to try some skipping,bad idea,had to change knickers :rofl:
Its not nice. Im having to see the physio as I carnt stop mine mid flow and when I have to go I have to go. 10 weeks on and still no better :mad:
I'm the same and was the same after thomas, even before james came along my control wasn't perfect, and when i have to go i have to go!!!! i was feeding james at 4am the other morning and had to hobble with him still feeding to the toilet and go!!!!!! hmmmmmm needless to say he didn't care lol it does get better but not fully I'm afraid xxx
I've not had a repeat since yesterday so maybe it was a one off???

Bloody body, it's meant to be getting better by now!
Was your bladder really full? If it was a one off it may be your body making sure you don't get off the loo before it was properly empty
It can take a while for your muscles underneath to tighten up, basically your pelvic floor is a bit like a trampoline that has been used by all the kids at the local primary school...a bit saggy !!. Keep doing your exercises, and see how it is by your 6 week postnatal check...your GP could refer you to a Specialist nurse or Physio if you are still concerned...remember that these muscles are important to sexual fun too !!
I can't remember if my bladder was full bb, possibly.

I get this really awful pressure/falling out feeling at times still, though this is getting less and less as the days go on. I'm persisting with the pelvic floor exercises so hopefully I will be back to normality soon! Fx
I always just found it hard to remember to do them...lol. Hence the pelvic floor repair I had a year or two ago...but after 4 vaginal deliveries..they had certainly been over-worked !!

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