Oh Joy of Joys (Not!)

Sami said:
I might sound wierd here, but they don't bother me one bit :shock: I'm not a naturist who loves getting her bits out or anything

PMSL Sami :dance:

It doesn't really bother me i suppose. It's just when they stick that metal thing up me it makes me need a poo :oops: :?
hearts81 said:
Sami said:
I might sound wierd here, but they don't bother me one bit :shock: I'm not a naturist who loves getting her bits out or anything

PMSL Sami :dance:

It doesn't really bother me i suppose. It's just when they stick that metal thing up me it makes me need a poo :oops: :?

haha I love the way we all share on here. I don't mind them either. On the same subject is it just me or does everyone seem to know someone who accidently put glitter spray on their tuppence instead of deoderant. I have spoken to about 20 different people who claim they had a friend who did this, or they used a tissue from their bag to wipe themselves and a postage stamp ended up sticking to them.
deodorant on your bits :shock: nope i've never done that lol, or glitter!!

But I've heard the postage stamp one loads of times it can't be that common surely :? :lol:
LOL you lot are mad on here!!

Dont have them til im 25 or over here, even if sexually active before.
Kim said:
deodorant on your bits :shock: nope i've never done that lol, or glitter!!

But I've heard the postage stamp one loads of times it can't be that common surely :? :lol:

They are urban myths but everyone swears they know someone. Its the same with the cyst in the chicken burger or the penguin stolen from the zoo.
lmao people haven't got anything better to do have they :lol:
beanie said:
Kim said:
deodorant on your bits :shock: nope i've never done that lol, or glitter!!

But I've heard the postage stamp one loads of times it can't be that common surely :? :lol:

They are urban myths but everyone swears they know someone. Its the same with the cyst in the chicken burger or the penguin stolen from the zoo.

I know the cyst in the chicken burger one!!! My fave is the dead bloke on a train. I felt so sorry for my friends friend when i heard that story lol. Bloody liers :x :lol:
i am due for a smear but i have been bleeding non stop near enough since i had my coil. i have my six week coil check next week so i will mention it to my doctor then. dont really enjoy them as my wombe tilts back so it is a bit uncomfortable. saying that though the coil didnt hurt one little bit.

I had to post on here because I must tell you girls that the treatment for abnormal cells on your cervix is a million times worse than having a smear test. I put off having a smear then when I did get round to it I was CIN3 which is pretty much one step away from cancer and the treatments are so painful I had to have general anaesthetic's to have them done.

Sorry to get all serious but its so important to have smear tests so any cell changes can be caught and treated early.

Lou :)
I agree with Lou, i too had abnormal smears and had to have a large part of my cervix cut away - which led to my problem pregnancy - incompetent cervix :( i know they're not nice but pleaseeeeeeee don't leave it, it is really important, for you girls that haven't had one get one done, i was 23 when i was told i had pre cancerous cells, luckily i had private health cover so was sorted straight away, if i'd had to wait until i was 25 i either wouldn't be here now, or wouldn't be able to have kids.

Please please go and have them done girls 1 min of feeling uncomfortable is better than days of agony and problems for future pregnancies, they don't hurt, they're certainly not as bad as the internals you had when pregnant. I have smears yearly now and have been told that i am and always will be at risk of cervical cancer.

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