Oedema & weight loss


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2011
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How long before this goes?

My feet are even bigger than they were when I was pregnant! They are really really sore :( I was hoping they might have deflated a bit by now but nope.

I don't appear to have lost that much weight either? I was hoping it would be a bit more spectacular than it has been, though I guess the water etc is affecting that as well. I've only lost 6kg since Sunday and baby was 4 of them!!
I weighed 2 stone lighter by day 8, swelling took 9 says to be noticeable though still carrying alot of water xx
Wow 2 stone by 8 days? That's impressive!! I'm only at a stone :( was hoping a bit more would have come off.

These fat feet are really annoying me as well.
Wait til your feet go down. Mine took two weeks and once they did I weighed a stone lighter than I did before I was pregnant!!!! You will just start weeing loads one day and they start to go down. Drink plenty of water too xx
Im in the same boat. As I have BP problems and they have got me on tablets I seem to be storing water and lots off it. I was even asked the other day when the baby was due (hello he is in the pram and is 5 weeks)

Doctor wont give me water tablets as he says it can be dangerous to my kidneys and liver with all the BP tablets im on and the only way it will go down is to lose weight. Im in a catch 22
Wow 2 stone by 8 days? That's impressive!! I'm only at a stone :( was hoping a bit more would have come off.

These fat feet are really annoying me as well.

Sadly another 2 1/2 stone to go, I just knew I'd put loads on as I had to eat carbs to help with the sickness, will be better when I can start exercising. My LO is totally worth it tho :) xx
i didnt suffer much from this but i was told that drinking lots of water is supposed to help ironically
I know how you mean. I had that carbs thing too. And I still have 15 kilos to go to get back to normal :(
I was fairly swolen during pg but after the birth i was monstrous, my hands feet face the lot were like clowns limbs, took a week or so for that to go and by 2 weeks my belly had gone down a good bit, 5 weeks in i still have a jelly belly and 2 stone to loose but the pregnant look had gone

ul get there hun x

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