OCTOBER Mums-to-be!

Are you gonna find out vix? x x can't wait x
I'm team blue found out at 16 weeks, I just love seeing the little fella! :dance:
I can't believe that we are 5 months pregnant already and only 4 months to go- soooo exciting!
Oh yeah just noticed what it says under your ticker! Doh! x ignore ne x lol
Hehehe pregnancy brain! I know 5 months already wasnt long ago we was all in first trimester posting lol x
I'm due 21st October and we're team blue! My 3rd boy god help me lol
yeay for boys!! im so excited to meet him! he will be such a mummys boy!! :D :D
had always thought it was a boy from the start & last friday they were able to tell us we are team blue! :dance:

He wasnt shy in the slightest, infact with the angle he was lying all we could see at the start was his bum up in the air! They do like to show things off lol
We can't wait to meet Seb either! 5 months?! Omg how did that happen! Lol x x
I was in your position last year! It seem to take FOR EVER, but fast forward to now and I can't believe where the time has gone!! Good luck girls!!
Aw thanks chaos. I dunno about anyone else but my first tri seemed to take foooooreeeeeeever! But now it's like I blink and it's gone!!!
Lol ahhh I'm just looking forward to meeting little man in October :D
I'm due 6th of October I had my scan a few weeks back and I'm team yellow :D

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