Gah I'm a bit worried today. Last night I threw up big time and was feeling nauseous constantly, was having period pains that would last a few seconds, disappear, then come back. I was all "Omg nooo not yet!" but it eased off a bit so figured maybe BH and just went to bed, feeling very sickly and uncomfortable. Today I'm getting little twinges quite low and I feel a lot of pressure quite low down. That and I'm constantly peeing lol. I know baby's dropped since 33 weeks so maybe that's why? But my back is really achy and I'm just genuinely feeling uncomfortable. Baby's giving me quite a bit of movement though so I think he's doing ok in there.
I'm just so paranoid that I'm gonna go into labour early cause I was 3 weeks early and the fact that baby's dropped so early. I want him to stay put a good while longerrr. =/