****** October 2018 Mummies! ******

Hahaha I'm sat here grimacing at my queasy stomach whilst crocheting to take my mind off it. It's OK as long as I stay put!!!

Hey October mummies! I’ve been feeling so exhausted lately that I haven’t even had the energy to get onto the forum hehe... Have I missed anything important? How is everyone doing?

On anxiety: I have been referred to a specialist midwife to help me deal with my hospital phobia, related to PTSD. If you let your doctor/midwife know that you’re anticipating increased anxiety related to pregnancy they can probably help you out. My husband knows I lie about my mental health sometimes as to not be a burden to others, I’m very lucky to have him with me to appointments and what not. He makes sure my midwife knows what’s really been going on.

Hi all, I’m 9 weeks pregnant and have a guestimation due date of 12th October. This is my first pregnancy. At 6 weeks I woke with severe abdominal pain in my left side so was rushed into hospital with a suspected eptopic pregnancy, but thankfully an early scan showed that everything was ok and they managed to find a heartbeat by carrying out an internal scan. The relief left me in tears! Seems my overy is causing the pain, although it looks normal so I have pain relief if the pain gets too much. Other than that I have nausea, but so far I haven’t vomited. Will be lovely to speak to other mums to be at the same stage of pregnancy :)

I’m due 13th October so only one day behind!
I had a lot of left sided pain and had a scan to rule out ectopic. They said ovulated from my left side so that’s possibly why I had the pain?

Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months x
Hi all, I’m 9 weeks pregnant and have a guestimation due date of 12th October. This is my first pregnancy. At 6 weeks I woke with severe abdominal pain in my left side so was rushed into hospital with a suspected eptopic pregnancy, but thankfully an early scan showed that everything was ok and they managed to find a heartbeat by carrying out an internal scan. The relief left me in tears! Seems my overy is causing the pain, although it looks normal so I have pain relief if the pain gets too much. Other than that I have nausea, but so far I haven’t vomited. Will be lovely to speak to other mums to be at the same stage of pregnancy :)

I’m due 13th October so only one day behind!
I had a lot of left sided pain and had a scan to rule out ectopic. They said ovulated from my left side so that’s possibly why I had the pain?

Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months x

I ovulated from the right overy so the left looked quite happy. Mother Nature I guess. Been pretty pain free until 4 am this morning when the pain came on again, thankfully nothing like before, just ‘there’. Oh must have sensed in his sleep
as he turned over and rubbed my tummy bless him. We ate out last night for Mother's day so I’m wondering if I ate too much (I usually graze).
I get a pain if I try and stretch my stomach which is usually the morning wanting a good stretch! Other than that I've been OK apart from the odd on and off pains randomly across my stomach.
I do however feel like I have been drop kicked in the tits!!

Welcome babywomble and congrats, you are due the same date as me and our scans are the same date too!! :)

Your ovary might be a bit swollen and therefore tender. My right one was agony at 6-7 weeks, there was a small cyst there and ovary was enlarged but the doctor wasn't concerned.

How's everyone partners doing with understanding so far? Everytime I tell my husband I'm tired he's like 'why? you've slept loads', he doesn't seem to realise how busy my body is right now! He wouldn't dare wake me up when I fall asleep on the sofa, though :nap:
Welcome babywomble and congrats, you are due the same date as me and our scans are the same date too!! :)

Your ovary might be a bit swollen and therefore tender. My right one was agony at 6-7 weeks, there was a small cyst there and ovary was enlarged but the doctor wasn't concerned.

How's everyone partners doing with understanding so far? Everytime I tell my husband I'm tired he's like 'why? you've slept loads', he doesn't seem to realise how busy my body is right now! He wouldn't dare wake me up when I fall asleep on the sofa, though :nap:

Aww how nice, we’ll have to see if our scans change our due dates. I bet the next 3 weeks drag lol

My partner is pretty supportive although the other night he did snap at me in a bad mood “stop telling me you feel sick every 5 mins and learn to deal with it better” I was quite taken aback and said, feel free to take over, oh, that’s right, you can’t. He then apologised and has been fine again. I think they struggle to understand how tiring being pregnant is. I’d love to feel great and be skipping around in pregnancy bliss, but right now I want to be comfortable and nap when I feel like it lol
I honestly just can't keep my eyes open - I had to have a nap at work this morning! I keep moaning about it to my OH but he just doesn't seem to get it. I honestly think that as he can't physically see anything yet, he is under the impression that nothing has changed and that I should just be continuing on about my daily life as usual! I went to bed at 7pm (again lol) last night and 'conveniently' left a leaflet for expectant dads/how to understand and support your partner through pregnancy on his pillow that was given to me by the midwife at my booking in appointment for him to find when he came up. Hopefully he will give it a read.

Fun fact - did you know what your body is working harder than a non-pregnant persons body does when they are jogging? NO WONDER WE ARE EXHAUSTED!!!
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Fun fact - did you know what your body is working harder than a non-pregnant persons body does when they are jogging? NO WONDER WE ARE EXHAUSTED!!!

Is that for real?! That makes me feel a bit more justified for being such a lazy toad lately :lol:

My partner still seems quite 'disconnected'? I think while there's nothing to see in terms of a bump, and no kicks to feel, and not even a scan picture it must be quite hard for the guy to believe it's really happening? And I bet it's easy for them to be at work and completely forget about it? Whereas I'm aware of being pregnant alllll the time haha!

I'm trying to cut him some slack but a little more excitement and sympathy might make this sicky stressful time that tiny bit more bearable... :thumbup:
Fun fact - did you know what your body is working harder than a non-pregnant persons body does when they are jogging? NO WONDER WE ARE EXHAUSTED!!!

Is that for real?! That makes me feel a bit more justified for being such a lazy toad lately :lol:

My partner still seems quite 'disconnected'? I think while there's nothing to see in terms of a bump, and no kicks to feel, and not even a scan picture it must be quite hard for the guy to believe it's really happening? And I bet it's easy for them to be at work and completely forget about it? Whereas I'm aware of being pregnant alllll the time haha!

I'm trying to cut him some slack but a little more excitement and sympathy might make this sicky stressful time that tiny bit more bearable... :thumbup:

I feel exactly the same - OH often makes comments about how he hasn't had the time to even think about it at work etc. whilst I sit here at my desk googling anything and everything pregnancy related the whole day! Honestly, if I didn't ever bring the pregnancy up we would probably never talk about it :wall2: I hope things will change after the first scan when it becomes more 'real' for him. Don't get me wrong, he is being perfectly sweet and as supportive as he probably can be at this stage but I think it's just different for guys. Nothing really changes for them - they can go about their lives as usual - whilst EVERYTHING changes for us in a split second.
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My OH speaks to baby each morning before getting up for work, I’m lucky that he’s already pretty engaged, but when he’s grumpy he finds me irritating lol. I just remind myself that he’s a man and let it wash over me. If I take after my Mother I’m going to be huge and he won’t be able to ignore the pregnancy then! lol
I get a pain if I try and stretch my stomach which is usually the morning wanting a good stretch! Other than that I've been OK apart from the odd on and off pains randomly across my stomach.
I do however feel like I have been drop kicked in the tits!!

Ditto on the drop kick. I'm so achy, especially when I take bra off and get into pjs. I even started looking into sleep bras - m&s reckons you don't need them til tri 2, but I'm probably going to get one now just to see if it helps

P.s. Glad your scan went well - lovely pics :)
My husband has been so unsupportive so far. I ended up at the doctors on Friday and was told I was doing too much. Unfortunately my husband has come down with a sensitive tummy and because he’s so ‘ill’ hes expecting me to do things for him. No joke! His pregnant wife gets told by a gp she’s doing too much and he wants me to look after him. Hmmm.
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Men are rubbish CornishGirl! If it makes you feel any better, I just told my OH my ‘fun fact’ and he rolled his eyes and replied with ‘is this what I have to put up with for the next 7 months? I’m not sure this is what I signed up for!’....the cheek of him! I’ve put him to work in the kitchen.
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Aw cornish girl you rest up he's being a total weiner!!
Mrs bunny thanks so much I'm very relieved at the scan. For now anyway

My boobs are terrible I've been wearing my gym crop top to bed lol. Fit!!

My OH speaks to baby each morning before getting up for work, I’m lucky that he’s already pretty engaged, but when he’s grumpy he finds me irritating lol. I just remind myself that he’s a man and let it wash over me. If I take after my Mother I’m going to be huge and he won’t be able to ignore the pregnancy then! lol

That's so cute!

I've been surprised by DH. Usually he has the sympathy of a brick when I'm ill, but he's been lovely even when I moan. He also surprised me with some chocolates yesterday for mother's day.
Anyone else struggling with drinking? I've been constantly thirsty, but totally fine up until now to stay hydrated with water, tea/coffee (decaf of course) and mint tea. Since Friday afternoon, though, I've completely gone off all of these. I make a cup and can only manage half before giving up.
The only thing I enjoyed this weekend was some bitter lemonade, but not sure I should drink litres of the stuff as I know sweeteners aren't so good for you, and fizzy stuff will make indigestion worse....
Aww Cornishgirl that sucks. Hope he bucks up soon. You take care of you first! x
Mrs bunny I've been drinking fruit juices or water with some fruit infused into it as tea and coffee are turning me right off at the moment and I am also reluctant to have sweeteners or low fat drinks atm


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