****** October 2018 Mummies! ******

We broke the news to our families last night on the day of our 5 year anniversary it was so special!
We broke the news to our families last night on the day of our 5 year anniversary it was so special!

We told our families tonight too! Might be a bit early but... I wouldn’t have been able to hide it.


IM IN HERE. IM IN HERE! :dance: :dance: :dance:

11DPO today and would be due 9th October. 😁
In shock despite having every symptom under the sun.
Yay welcome Cornish girl. We’ve told our Mums and I’ve also told my sister as well as some close friends. We basically decided that whoever we would tell if something bad happens that’s who we will share the news with. We’re waiting until 12 weeks before telling anyone else.
Same here, we are telling everyone at week 8 though. According to datayze I have a less than 5% MC risk at 8 weeks. :pray:

We broke the news to our families last night on the day of our 5 year anniversary it was so special!

We told our families tonight too! Might be a bit early but... I wouldn’t have been able to hide it.


How was it?!?!?

It was good, they were quite shocked :lol: I've been good at hiding we were thinking of TTC. Also it happened so quickly!

My sister is going bananas over baby names, she's really sweet. :love:

We broke the news to our families last night on the day of our 5 year anniversary it was so special!

We told our families tonight too! Might be a bit early but... I wouldn’t have been able to hide it.


How was it?!?!?

It was good, they were quite shocked :lol: I've been good at hiding we were thinking of TTC. Also it happened so quickly!

My sister is going bananas over baby names, she's really sweet. :love:


OMG same my mother keeps trying to force names on me already!

I am so excited for us all :D
I had the baby names thing last time so we told everyone we already had a name but it was secret! :lol:

I’m so super excited. What symptoms does everyone have?
My nausea has eased of slightly this morning. Mostly suffering with aching boobs which are constantly throbbing, and i feel quite campy in my abdominal area, which was worrying me at first but lots of friends have reassured me its just your womb adjusting to accommodate the placenta and I am constantly craving a roast dinner!

I hope I will have happy healthy pregnancy!
Minimal cramping, no pain, mild boob discomfort, lots of motion sickness and fatigue. VERY vivid dreams, nightmare last night :(

Minimal cramping, no pain, mild boob discomfort, lots of motion sickness and fatigue. VERY vivid dreams, nightmare last night :(


Same! My dreams all feel insanely real.

Where about are you from Sev if you don't mine me asking?
Kazz & CG what are your anticipated DDs so that I can update the front page.

Kazz & CG what are your anticipated DDs so that I can update the front page.


Mine is the 9th October! :D

I have so many symptoms... painful breasts, nipples on fire, dizziness, nausea, exhaustion, off food, metallic taste in mouth, vivid dreams and insomnia.
It’s a novelty as I had pretty much nothing in my first pregnancy!
So ladies, do you have any names picked out?

We already have Isaac for a boy, but we are totally stuck on girls names.

We like Rowan for a boy or Ellowyn/Willow for a girl but aren’t 100% yet.
I love Issac. That’s super cute. :D

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