October 2017 Mummies!

I phoned epu this morning spoke to midwife she said it sounds like implant bleed I also have a scan booked for Thursday to see what's going on x
Glad they send u on a scan, I have neved had implantation bleeding so I do not know how it is .
i had implantation bleeding after i got my BFP i thought it would have happened before hand!

i got scans early scans for that reason too, good luck for you, might not show much depending on how far you are.

my first was just a sac, they wouldnt confirm anything except that is was attached.
second scan you could see a tiny heartbeat
and 3rd scan there was a tiny little baby

it moves so quickly the first few weeks, and i was put 2 weeks back from the dates i thought i was, and my baby had 3 weeks growth in 2 weeks

hope everything is fine for you :)
Girls how are you getting on ? x

At 9 am at work I was already feeling exhausted and couldn't concentrate .The nausea still here from the time when I get out of bed until I get back in. Lucky me..
I'm hoping it's a good sign as I've had no red bleeding since yesterday at 1 just brown now I'm 6 weeks 6 days on calendar midwife said u can get implantation bleeding up to 14 weeks I thought it was before a test Aswel x
I've booked work off said I wasn't well been resting on the sofa until I fetch kids from school x
just rest and keep your mind busy! i will keep checking in to see how things have gone for you x
Hey everyone, I'm afraid my journey has been a short one. I lost my little one on Friday due to an ectopic that nearly killed me :(

My bleeding stopped Thursday. So Friday I went to Matalan then MIL. After that about 6pm we got to Tesco to get something for tea and I got out the car and was hit with unbelievable pain. Legs went to jelly and I was instantly pouring with sweat so OH drove me home and got me into the house. He said I was pale. I told him to take me to hospital. Then I looked in the mirror and seen I was whiter than I've ever seen anyone, my lips were as white as my face so I told him to get me an ambulance. I got myself downstairs and the paramedic came in but I couldn't get myself back up to the flat. She was only in a car and I was begging her to take me hospital. My blood pressure was getting lower and lower and she managed to get an ambulance and they had to blue light me all the way as my blood pressure went to 50/30

I was not with it by this point and they couldn't get a line in my arm to give me fluids. They eventually got one in in the hospital but they have made a right mess of my arms and hands. They said I was too early for ectopic and it could have been my appendix. They scanned me and didn't see what it was. My stomach was expanding very quickly and I kept saying i felt like I was gonna pop. They got a consultant from his home and he scanned me and seen right away it was ectopic and it had ruptured my tube and all my blood had drained into my stomach. I literally didn't bleed out.

As I have the shape of a womb, 2 tubes and 2 ovaries but only half of the womb has formed to carry a child the pregnancy happened in the part of the womb I don't have which is so rare. That's why it ruptured earlier than an ectopic normally would.

They rushed me down to theatre and I'd lost 4 pints of blood into my tummy.

So what they hoped would be 30 min keyhole ended up being a 3 hour surgery and blood transfusion.

I got back home last night and I'm in absolute agony but counting my blessings and just glad to be alive and I have my beautiful little boy to keep me going.

Wishing you all the best 9 months! I won't be risking a natural pregnancy again but luckily I have my 2 embryos on ice from my ivf so I will be using one of them next year.


Oh god Charlie!
I'm so sorry to hear what's happened, but at least you got help in time...I'm so sorry about loosing the baby, but your own health is more important. Having had an ectopic I know how dangerous they can be. Please take care of yourself, you have had a very traumatic experience
Oh no.. Charlie, I am so sorry for your loss...
Can't even imagine what you have been through, but as Leah said, your health is more important especially for you little boy . Thank goodness you were there in time and you are safe now.
Oh no charlie :( so sorry to hear this! It is so scary how these things can happen, thankfully you are all okay and well. Women always know best when their body is not right! Good luck for the future sweet x
Sorry to read about your experience Charlie glad your home safe. I'm sure your little boy will keep you entertained while you heal make sure you take it easy lots of love xxx
Thanks you lovely lot! I'll pop back over the next few months to follow your journeys :) xx

So sorry to hear ur news Charlie. I hope u have been taking things easy and trying to rest. What a fright u must of got x
Morning , how is everyone? x

I have just booked a private early scan for 22nd Feb :) I tried so much to stay away and wait until the NHS scan but I couldn't, I need to see if everything is fine in there . Been feeling much better for the last 2 days, bit of nausea and some cramps but nothing major.
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Hi All,

I am a mum to an 11 year old and have had 2 miscarriages, one natural and one medically managed 2 years ago. I found out I was pregnant 4 weeks ago when I did a home test. I went to the doctors the following week who arranged an emergency scan, when I got to the hospital they didn't have my appointment so it was rescheduled for yesterday. I cant remember having a period over xmas (to be honest they are not regular) but I had written down that I had a period at the end of November. At my scan nothing was showing so they did an internal scan and found the sac but it looked empty so I have another scan in 2 weeks time. the doctor said it could be that it is just 4 weeks and therefore not yet showing, I have really sore boobs, a growing stomach 9 which is odd if I am only 4 weeks and I look pregnant!!) I am just looking for some reassurance if anyone has been through this before? I have no pains, have no bleeding, but I do have all the symptoms of pregnancy (as I say sore breasts, sickness, tiredness etc) so I am trying to stay positive! If everything is successful I will be due in October but as I can't seem to figure out when I had/should have had a period I just don't know so thought I would try this thread as all are around the same pregnancy term as I hopefully am? Any advice welcome and thank you in advance xx
Hey everyone, I'm afraid my journey has been a short one. I lost my little one on Friday due to an ectopic that nearly killed me :(

My bleeding stopped Thursday. So Friday I went to Matalan then MIL. After that about 6pm we got to Tesco to get something for tea and I got out the car and was hit with unbelievable pain. Legs went to jelly and I was instantly pouring with sweat so OH drove me home and got me into the house. He said I was pale. I told him to take me to hospital. Then I looked in the mirror and seen I was whiter than I've ever seen anyone, my lips were as white as my face so I told him to get me an ambulance. I got myself downstairs and the paramedic came in but I couldn't get myself back up to the flat. She was only in a car and I was begging her to take me hospital. My blood pressure was getting lower and lower and she managed to get an ambulance and they had to blue light me all the way as my blood pressure went to 50/30

I was not with it by this point and they couldn't get a line in my arm to give me fluids. They eventually got one in in the hospital but they have made a right mess of my arms and hands. They said I was too early for ectopic and it could have been my appendix. They scanned me and didn't see what it was. My stomach was expanding very quickly and I kept saying i felt like I was gonna pop. They got a consultant from his home and he scanned me and seen right away it was ectopic and it had ruptured my tube and all my blood had drained into my stomach. I literally didn't bleed out.

As I have the shape of a womb, 2 tubes and 2 ovaries but only half of the womb has formed to carry a child the pregnancy happened in the part of the womb I don't have which is so rare. That's why it ruptured earlier than an ectopic normally would.

They rushed me down to theatre and I'd lost 4 pints of blood into my tummy.

So what they hoped would be 30 min keyhole ended up being a 3 hour surgery and blood transfusion.

I got back home last night and I'm in absolute agony but counting my blessings and just glad to be alive and I have my beautiful little boy to keep me going.

Wishing you all the best 9 months! I won't be risking a natural pregnancy again but luckily I have my 2 embryos on ice from my ivf so I will be using one of them next year.

oh my god Charlie I am so sorry for your loss but so happy ur ok bless you take it easy and take care xx
Hi all well I still don't know what's going on I had a scan and they couldn't see anything I should be 7 weeks going by last pediod they said I'm prob to early had bloods taken and they phoning me back later ��
Hi all well I still don't know what's going on I had a scan and they couldn't see anything I should be 7 weeks going by last pediod they said I'm prob to early had bloods taken and they phoning me back later ��

Was it a private scan?

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