.. October 2016 Mummies - Third Trimester - Final Round ..

27 weeks today! yay. I've not been feeling too bad the last couple of weeks but yesterday I was dog rough, not felt that ill since the first trimester. Was sick twice before I got to work and was sick at work. xx
Hi all

Just hovering at the minute as got a couple of weeks of tri 2 yet :) Starting to really struggle now with tiredness and moving too much. I'm trying to work as late as possible as I have a desk job, but will have to see how I go!

Claire, can you please update my due date to 23rd October? X
I have my health visitor coming round this morning. What do they do? And how long does it take?
Hiya! Could you change my due date to the 8th please! Although my girl will probably be here In September because I need to have a caesarean due to my baby's hydrocephalus
Is anyone else huge? I'm 27 weeks and I'm the same size I was at full term with my son. I get so much pressure when I walk, feel like I constantly need the loo! Tonight my skin feels like it might rip and my lady bits feel swollen!! Not sure how I'm going to last another 13 weeks!!! Xxx
Is anyone else huge? I'm 27 weeks and I'm the same size I was at full term with my son. I get so much pressure when I walk, feel like I constantly need the loo! Tonight my skin feels like it might rip and my lady bits feel swollen!! Not sure how I'm going to last another 13 weeks!!! Xxx

I'm the other extreme. Several people haven't yet realised I'm pregnant! Sat in antenatal class on Wednesday for October babies and no one could believe I was already in my 29th week! I do still need the loo ALL THE TIME though!
I've got my MW appointment today. Aside from bloods and hearing baby rather anoxious for another matb1 form as my manager lost my other one .. 6w before I stop. Grrr.

I had to have a growth scan as my bump wasn't measuring their chart however baby is normal size, it's just that my bump is small Lol. This happened when I was pregnant with my other son x
Well I've had an eventful day! Had some leaking which I didn't need think much of, when I phoned my midwife just to be sure I was told to go straight to the labour ward. So I've spent my night hooked up to monitors and getting scans and speculums to check my waters aren't leaking. Not 100% out the woods yet, I need to monitor it for 48 hours but all seemed OK, just need to figure out what the leaking is! X
What an evening SLHRK :-( I hope they give you some answers soon, rest up xx
Hi ladies hope all pregnancies are going well, the weather has turned hot, too hot for my liking with a bump lol, anyone else feeling the weather?? X
It's too hot! I got about an hour or so sleep last night as it was just too hot and I couldn't get comfortable. Baby also kicked all night long.

Updates done.

Let me know of your teams if it isn't up there. Even if it's yellow. Got a couple missing.

Hope we are all OK? I think we are all just getting to that slowing down stage. For me I'm getting fed up tidying. Up and down, up and down picking things up. Have had to give Jackson into trouble more so about picking up or not messing as much as I can't quickly 5 minutes blitz round! :lol:

Ive sorted through my baby bundles so far and sized them
We are pretty much set cloth and linen wise. Just need to get some new outfits, vests and bibs mainly.. I feel like I'm missing something but also trying not to over buy.

My manager lost my matb1 form, which is brilliant. Had to get another from mw on Friday which she was none too pleased about. Hopefully that doesn't take long as I stop 5w this Friday. It's annual leave at the start though so hoping my payments will be sorted. She lost the girls who's 4w ahead of me too which is strange...

I think the next thing you'll see me posting about is hospital bags! I'm about to embark on. I've gone with the Tiba + Marl floral backpack change bag for baby. I love it. I need a new weekend case type for me and then I'm ready to start gathering.

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I cannot wait to pack my hospital bag, already brought a changing bag which il use for baby's things and iv got a small suitcase which il use for myself,
I'm quite set on clothes just need to start buying nappies which il do in September and need to get things for me to take to the hospital
I'm getting really excited now :) X x
Thanks Claire.

Hope you ladies don't mind me asking but for those of you who had implantation bleeding, what was it like? My friend is ttc and she has had some bleeding but I can't advise her much as never experienced it in either of my pregnancies. She said it was lighter than a period and red to start with and just on wiping but finished with a brown coloured discharge. It lasted Fri- Sun and nothing since. She is due AF tomorrow xx

Mine was a few dark dots and the day or so before I had an immense episode of cramping.

Updates done.

Let me know of your teams if it isn't up there. Even if it's yellow. Got a couple missing.


Well I can't quite believe it, but here I am already in tri 3...where has that time gone!
I'm team blue Claire on the 17th.

I hope you've all survived the hottest day of the year...I'm currently laying on the bed with a fan directed straight at me. My son's monitor is saying his room is 27 degrees! He has a fan on him too, just hope he sleeps ok.

I'm usually a sun worshipper and don't care when it's warm...I don't like to complain cos it doesn't happen very often, but having a bump definitely changes things!! X
Got MW appt tomorrow cannot wait to hear the heartbeat!
Hope you ladies are not dying in this heat, X

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