Awww, i miss you all lol! Was wondering where everyone went. Photos are just adorable. Omg Jasmine look at the head of hair your little one has! Beautiful!
Claire im so glad you've finally got Carter sorted, must be such a relief!
Things here are relatively grand. There is zero routine for sleep during the day despite my best efforts, if I don't walk in the pram he will fight sleep until the bitter end and will have wee 5 min doses after nursing. Night time is a bit hard going, sleeps in chicco next to me from 11-2 then feed, then up again at 4 and 6 to feed. Generally up for the day at 8 and two hour feeding from there. Im so tired. lol. Ive been trying to start night rountine from 8 or 9 at least but he wont actually sleep unti 11 l no matter what so just hoping he gets the hint soon. I was trying to stsrt combi feeding so one bottle of formula during the day. The only formula he doesn't projectile vomit is the C& G ready made. All powders sem to be out, ive practically bought a tin of every main brand i can find (wish they did smaller tins, its all going to waste now) following instructions exactly but its all came back up even if he only took an oz I dont understand it but if he doesn't get it, no problem at all. Usually about one hour after, even if hes been upright. Tried contacting health visitor about it but have left voicemails at their office and had no word so just kinda winging it on my own. Even the ready made ones except c&g are the sane, i cant understand it surely its all tge ssme ingredients?. I know 'breast is best' but two hourly feeds are rough, its just me all the tine, im so so exhausted and I cannpt seem to get hang of pumping. The odd time is okay but I've no freezer space to be storing or anything. Ill not get into it, feeling immensely guilty for wanting to wean to formula. He gets a ready made bottle during the day so my husband or mum or someone can give if they want. I cant sgord to using them all the time so its just the one for now. i think we have thrush now as well due to his antibiotic for kidney,, his is also prophylactic. So going to docs this evening as im now crying after every feed as im in sheer agony. Oh the joys! Lol my c section STILL hasn't healed either. Its dreadful, just one small bit.
Second round of immunisations on Thursday. Not looking forward to it. Last time he was so so miserable and just nursed constant but with the pain im in I may just sit with tissues and paracetamol! Be nice to get him weighed too, no clue what weight he is but he's definitely chunking out now. Big chubby cheeks and everything now.
Sorry this is so long! Look after yourselves