.. October 2016 Mummies - Second Trimester ..

19weeks, letting it all hang out :lol:



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A cake reveal yes :) I have a feeling my parents won't be happy as they HAVE to be involved in every aspect of my life. But, I really don't want them too so hopefully this will show them that they don't have to be involved in everything.

Beautiful bump!
Oh that'll be good. Yeah my mum is a bit like that tbf. She has to know everywhere I go and what I'm buying and Ive not lived there in years lol. But this time OH was quite excited to tell so I let him have his glory. Plus I work with loads of people I know I'd be hounded.

A big reveal will be nice. I bet your mum will be gobsmacked. You stayed yellow before didn't you? Shell probably think your doing the same.

Thanks sweets.

Your bump and you look great Claire! My bump seems to be sptead across my whole middle might put a photo up, if i dare haha!

Angellily i have no notion how youre doing it! How exciting, even i cant wait until July now to find out lol.

Congrats on team pink natnat!! Lovely :):)

Anyone elses 16 week appointment with agp not a midwife? I dont even see the point, urine dipped and bp checked, i do it in work almost weekly!! The benefits of being a nurse i spose lol. June is just sooo far away to see baby and hear heartbeat. At least im getting wee taps. I can kinda tell now when baby is awake it's weird just recognise the sensations. Baby absolutely hates when i run upstairs in work, or loves it, definitely get a reaction everytime.
Hi all!

I've got my 16w mw appointment at 3pm today.. I'm convinced I'm going to forget as I'm working 1-8 so got to leave at 2:30 and come back after.. Must write it on my hand or something!!

It's my scan at 10:30 tomorrow with the trainee ultrasound people.. Few people been talking about their experiences of them on my local fb mummies group and they sound really good! I'm so excited xxxx
No I don't out what I had with my last pregnancy :) in fact I had a gender scan at 16 weeks!

I'm keeping very composed! Although I have let slip to my uni friends :lol: but they won't say anything.

I saw a midwife at my 16 weeks, I don't see her again until I'm 28 weeks now! Feels ages away but I know those 8 weeks will fly by, since this entire pregnancy seems to be flying over.
Thanks sweetie. My mum came on tonight no hi just you look big lol.

I've seen one or two not getting a 24w appt. Must be diff across boards. I've got a 24w and I'll get my matb1 form then. This is my second and I still will have less than last time. Have you got a 24w one Lisa?

Lovely bump RM! Awh it must be lovely AngelLily for just the two of you to know :)

Starting to feel little kicks now. So happy to feel little baby xx
Thanks sweetie. My mum came on tonight no hi just you look big lol.

I've seen one or two not getting a 24w appt. Must be diff across boards. I've got a 24w and I'll get my matb1 form then. This is my second and I still will have less than last time. Have you got a 24w one Lisa?


I've to go every 6 weeks so they told me to make a 22 weeks appointment? Not sure why some different??
Mines is so weird 16 weeks gp, 20 week scan+midwife, 24 weeks gp, 28 weeks midwife, 32 weeks scan, then midwife determines how often im seen closer to due date
I got more midwife appts with my first pregnancy compared to this one.

I have my Matb1 form :) I need to photocopy it and hand it in soon.
I have more bloods this time but they need to keep an eye on my iron levels this time around.
Hiya Ladies,

Happy hump day!

Has anyone else been experiencing lots of soreness now in the lower abdomen? I assume from all the stretching!

Also, I keep getting short shooting pains in my lady parts! i'm not concerned just sharing is caring haha xx
Hey haven't been on here for ages so hope everyone is doing OK. Iv heard the baby's HB at midwife a couple of days ago and its the best feeling ever, cannot wait for my 20week scan in a couple of weeks x
Hey ladies... Sorry for not updating but I thought I'd give you an update on some dates Russell...

I have my 20 week scan on the 31st May (although I already know that I'm team blue!!) and I also have my 24 wk midwife appointment but no date set yet, need to get that booked in!

Has anyone been on maternity allowance rather than maternity pay through the employer? I've recently started a new job and I don't qualify for mat pay with them so therefore don't require a matb1 form, so wondered whether anyone knows the process? the form is ridiculous! x
Hi EllsBells.

Not sure if you qualify for SMP? I got this to top up my wages last time round as I was part time.

But my friend who didnt work here a whole year was on SMP throughout MAT leave. I am not updating scan appointments this thread - just colours. If Ive not already, Ill update you. Congrats on team blue!

Please see a link below for MAT:


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