.. October 2016 Mummies - Second Trimester ..

Awww how lovely. Hope it all goes well!! Thinking of you for tomorrow.

Hope everyone has had a lovely bank holiday and everyone is well :)
Looking forward to hearing what you are having Danielle xx
Good luck Danielle! We've got workmen in today replacing our heating.. Didn't realise they were basically doing the whole thing today so I just had to move loads of stuff.. Shattered is not the word! Lg slept through for the first time since Thursday last night though!! Woop xxxx
Hi all :)

Glad your little one slept well for you last night Cherry, we're having trouble with our daughter sleeping...... she won;t drop off until about midnight!!! then we put her in her own bed but she only lasts there for a few hours before coming into our bed.... it would be a lot easier to get her into a routine if she weren't sharing with her sister who has to get up for school etc.... then I'd persevere and put her to bed earlier rather than waiting for her to fall asleep downstairs but I'm worried she'll try climbing up the bunk bed ladder if I put her up awake... she never does when she wakes up though but not sure if she was awake and didnt want to go to sleep she might mess around and try it?/ grrrr...
danielle x x x
Well we went to visit my mum tonight, and OH blurted out our chosen name for our little girl. I thought I would be the one to muck up haha! We wanted to keep it quiet until she was here, I was absolutely heartbroken ..not because he said it, because he has been so upset all night BECAUSE he said it. I keep reassuring him it's not a problem and my mum won't tell anyone but I felt like I was dealing with a sad puppy :( my poor guy haha xx
IT'S A BOY!!!!!

We are absolutely over the moon (obviously as long as the baby is ok we would be ecstatic) but as this makes 2 girls and 2 boys it is the icing on the cake..... we took our 3 children with us (Jordan and Summer really wanted a brother, the baby is only 2 so none the wiser.....) so they were bouncing too 😃 so I'm expecting a bonny blue 💙 xxxxx
Oh im in agony after work last night just muscles are killing me lot of stretching and pulling pains this morning. Everyone in work has made dual comments about my weight loss and the size of my bump! I didn't think id have a bump so soon. Lost another 2kg in 2 and half weeks should i be concerned? I know its my eating but i can't stomach too much at all. I could do with some weight loss but obv pregnancy is not the time for it!
Congrats again Robyn. Colour updated at the front.

And for Danielle, Ive updated you!

Oooh look at all these boys!! I've got to wait until 16th June until I hopefully find out. Can't afford a private one as money is tighter than ever at the minute xx

Any luck for ypur other half yet? My husband has recently just got part time work in asda hope yous get something soon xx
He's applied for a few but it's been quiet over the weekend. Hopefully something will come up soon. We are trying to stay positive :) xx

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I have my 20w scan on 10th June, but am also having a scan next week to help trainee ultrasound technicians.. It's free and you get expenses, food, drink and a picture.. I'm hoping they can tell me the gender too - if they get it right lol xxx
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My 20 week scan is on June 10th too, woo. Oh thats brill, get to see your baby extra!

Is anyone not having scans and can I ask why? I see people posting being anti ultrasounds but i dont really know the full reasons why. I understand not excessive scans bit none at all?

Awk I've everything crossed for you and your other half :) itll be okay x
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Hope you all have some lovely plans for this weekend! I've felt my little girly move all day today and my other half felt her on his hand! He was totally over the moon it was lovely :D xx

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