~~October 2015 mummies and babies~~

Hi ladies!

I hope everyone and there babies are all doing well. I cannot believe it's November already. Have any October mummies still to have there babies?

:wave: yep me and ftm are still waiting! I think ftm is having hers by section today though fx for her, so will be just me left rattling around in the 3rd tri thread, I'll turn out the lights and lock the door when (or if) I ever get to leave it and come over here lol!!!! Got an induction booked for Monday 11th if all else fails.

Aww that made me sad, the last of our wee babies being here & us all out of Tri3 completely & having no thread to check in there. (Think I just still have a lot of hormones floating about lol).

How's all our lovely mummies & babies (& mummies 2 be).

Our HV is looking for a pead referral for Callum for his reflux, she thinks it's projectile & he needs more than Gaviscon, I sometimes feel like I only part baked this wee cherub! On the plus side the jaundice is eventually starting to resolve itself! Only his wee face & eyes to get s better colour!! Doctor seems to think with how prominent his hernia is that he'll most likely need 'sometime done' with it when he's +1yr. Other than that he's a wee content cherub :) xx
Hey girls,

just checking in to say hi.

after my last post announcing the arrival of Patrick things went very downhill for me. I think I was still on a complete high after giving birth when I last posted.

It was only a few days later that I realised the full extent of my birth and how traumatic it all was. High forceps were used to rotate him as he was transverse which led to a very deep tear in my vagina wall, I also had a mediolateral episiotomy. The tear led to me losing 1.5l of blood and three transfusions. I spent two days in HDU and then when I was moved to my own room two days later and the catheter was removed did we realise that I was suffering very badly from incontinence. I've been incredibly depressed by it all, I've been told it will take months for me to get better :( I've been going to physio and doing my best to stay positive. I have moments of complete despair, thinking this is never going to get better and then lots of positivity. It's going to be a slow road but I'm determined to get better. I've only gone outside twice since coming home two weeks ago. i can walk slightly better now which means I'm healing but I'm not seeing much of an improvement with my incontinence.

Such a horrible price to pay for a little baby. Sorry for the rambly message, my head is all over the place lately.
Meet Patrick :)


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Sorry to hear some mums/babies are having a bad time.

Littletwix, no wonder you are a bit traumatised, sounds horrendous. The early days are hard even when everything has gone to plan. I expect you're sick of hearing it, but it will get better. Even if you can't get on, feel free to come and rant here and let some of it out. I don't think anyone is having all sunshine and lollipops at this stage.

Rachael, you must come over here with us, it's not nice being in a section alone! I rambled on here like a loony on my own for the first week! First and last has to be a bit sucky.

If I've left anyone off the cover page, let me know, its not intentional, I'm just a bit fried right now. Sleep isn't too bad, but its just the slow burn now. Surprisingly its not the new baby but my toddler that's the worst one at night (still!!). If its not viruses, its jabs, teeth, or just general upset wanting mummy (and not always being able to have me).
Awk twix how awful for you my love

Are you on the fb group? (i can never remember PF logins vs own names half the time)
If not, get yourself over there. Theres a bit more activity
By all means rant. Rant rant rant. Doesnt matter how trivial it is (although you really have some serious poo stuff to be unhappy over)
We are all here for you petal x
Well, I've been m.i.a for the last 2 weeks just enjoying my boy and trying to get to grips with motherhood!

Dexter is 2 weeks old today and although there are tough times they are far outweighed! I tried bf but ds has a terrible latch and I was forced to move to bottles. Since then he's gone from strength to strength and put on all the weight he had lost plus more. I'm expressing at the moment but am only managing it 2 or 3 times a day due to visitors etc. But it does mean he gets some liquid gold every day and once oh goes back to work Monday I can sort out my own routine and work out when I can pump.

Birth itself was great, I couldn't have asked for more. From waters to delivery took 14 hours, I got my water birth which was amazing and only pain relief was gas and air for the last couple of hours. To the amazement of all the mw's I've seen I had no tear so no need for stitches which is good going for my first baby!

All in all, life is good and I have a gorgeous boy with the best head of hair I've ever seen! !
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Aww sorry to hear you had a rough time Littletwix x it does sound traumatic and it can take a while for it to sink in when you have an experience like that....have you had a chance to go over what happened with your consultant? My first birth was quite scary too and left us feeling shell shocked after an initial high..so I can relate to that too. In the end I sought advice from my old NCT teacher who put me in touch with supervisor of midwifes to go over exactly what happened...at the time I wasn't certain that it would be safe to have more children....(of course it was...second time much better) but you think all sorts of things. I hope your recovery picks up soon hun it's just going to take time to physically heal xx
Sounds like you had a great birth Carrie. We are a little pre-occupied in this section aren't' we hehee good to hear you are enjoying your little bundle :)

My toddler has croup :( poor little girl, its only mild I think but quite distressing at night and that cough sounds horrendous, she keeps heaving too ..I've kept her off nursery today. My o/h and I had plans to possibly get out of the house for a couple of cheeky drinks on Sat eve and let o/h parents have the girls for 2 hours...but that's not happening now. Oh well will be plenty of other chances when all is well. Little Sophia is still feeding all throughout the night but she has adopted a much better method now and seems more relaxed instead of coughing, spluttering and spitting her milk everywhere...then puking it up! She does a nice slow feed now horray...now if only she would go down for 4 hours straight at night..
Feeling it today! Cillian didn't settle till 3am last night, then got up at 5:20am, back to bed at 6am, up again at 7am. 3hrs sleep, I'm shattered!
Me and hubby have a nice system atm (it goes out the window in about 10 days once hes back at work though!)

Eli is up between 10 and midnight, we sleep when he does, i do next feed 4hours later, then hubby gets up with him about 5/6am and lets me sleep til 8ish x
You will manage once hubby goes back to work. You will develope your own system :) Tho I must say getting up every 3/4hrs sucks!

For me the first 2 days alone were a nightmare, I was so stressed to be home alone with Nina x
Daddy went back to work today and ds decided 4am was time to get up! I've managed a couple of hours of sleep, we've been for a walk and we're both dressed and clean. I'm gonna Mark down day 1 as a success so far!
I cant even always manage that when both of us are here Carrie so well done you lol
Daddy went back to work today and ds decided 4am was time to get up! I've managed a couple of hours of sleep, we've been for a walk and we're both dressed and clean. I'm gonna Mark down day 1 as a success so far!

That is a success!

Last Friday, I went shopping to the supermarket with both kids, Xander in the connecta and Jess in the trolley. It was fine!! Couldn't believe I'd done it when I got home.

Thursday is my first full day on my own with 2 though - eek!

Friday we go on holibobs to centerparcs though, so packing up what I can today. I'm sure I'll forget most things, but there are supermarkets nearby! Its Jess's second birthday while we are away, so want to make a big fuss. She really has been an amazing big sister so far, this morning she told me off as I'd forgotten to bring Xander to her for a kiss goodbye when she was off to nursery with daddy :love:
Oh bless Jess' heart Fliss, she sounds like the ideal big sister!

The past 2 days Dexter has been whiney between roughly 8am and 11am, I try everything he could possibly want/need and he is still grim lying. But usually he hits a certain point and something you try will make him happy and he'll go to sleep. I'm such a novice at this, does anybody elsehave a specific time frame of nightmares with their little one? !
Hi anyone with experience of hand foot & mouth? My toddler has this about a week & half ago, really bad sores in her mouth dribbling lots, but no spots around mouth or on her hands/ feet, other than 1 spot on her big toe, however this week she has all little sores around her mouth, one on her genetials & some little spots on her feet, is this the same virus just running its course or is it a different virus/strain as it seemed to take quite a while for these spots/sores to clear up!?
Sorry no help to either of you shona or Carrie
Eli only cries if im not fast enough with the bottle or Hes too cold!

Shona... I believe icepoles and yoghurts are good for hfm x
Edward is now home from the hospital! YAY!!!!!!! We also now have his beautiful bounty photo. So proud of him!
Hi anyone with experience of hand foot & mouth? My toddler has this about a week & half ago, really bad sores in her mouth dribbling lots, but no spots around mouth or on her hands/ feet, other than 1 spot on her big toe, however this week she has all little sores around her mouth, one on her genetials & some little spots on her feet, is this the same virus just running its course or is it a different virus/strain as it seemed to take quite a while for these spots/sores to clear up!?

It took about 2 to 3 weeks for all Jess's spots to clear. Horrible bloody virus.

Barbara, so glad Edward is home, fab news
Ok that makes me feel better, her spots are finally clearing up & it's been about 3 weeks! Such a pity that she looks all spotty in all picks I've taken of her with her new brother!
Barbra brilliant news that your Edward is now home, hopefully it will be plain sailing from here on out x

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