October 2014 due dates

Hi all,
Bit worried today as had some bright red blood yesterday after a bowel movement (sorry TMI). It stopped straight after and otherwise I feel fine-no cramps. Have read this can be quite common but decided to call my GP anyway for advice. They've now referred me to the Early Preg Unit at the hospital for a 6 week scan on Friday. Am both anxious and excited-glad it will be checked out and obviously hoping all is ok in there!!
I have up-dated all of the due dates… sorry for the delay I am fell of cold and suffering horrid nausea so not felt up to much!

Welcome to all the lovely new ladies - and congrats on the BFP and early scan results!

I cannot wait till the 22nd when I am having an early scan - think it will become real then!

How are you all fairing tonight? Any exciting plans for Valentine's?
Well I'd like to tentatively say hello!!

I believe my due date is around the 15th October :)

After having a mmc and ERPC at 11. Weeks In October this is my second pregnancy! And I'm hoping second time lucky. I have had bleeding lasting 6 days from last Wednesday to Monday but all stopped now fingers crossed! Had my darkest pregnancy test this morning so no fading thank goodness! I have been to the Drs today who suspect threatened miscarriage and told me to take it easy.... I have a scan at EPU on Saturday but trying to be positive so thought if pop in and say hi!

Good luck to everyone and hope we all have a fab journey together!! :)
Welcome mrsT. I remember you from oct as I was in tri 1 too then. Let's hope it works out for us both this time xx
Thank you!

Hi fun! What happened with yours last time... If you don't mind me asking?

I had spotting from 5.5 weeks and went for a scan at 8.5 weeks and baby stopped growing at 6 weeks. I mc a few days after the scan. I then also mc at 6 weeks in jan and I got caught this time with no cycle in between. This time I'm using 75mg of aspirin to try and help x
Feeling a bit annoyed called the doctor to make an appointment and get some advice been ill for 2-3 weeks now with a cold and mucus. She didn't wanna see me and was like I can't see you just for this even though I was like well I dont know what to do she was like just take paracetamol but that isn't working she said I need to contact the midwife and I don't know now to she was like your just have to call the reception.

She was so rude about it :(
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I went to doctors about my cold and sore throat yesterday and just been told all I can take is paracetamol and to rest. Been off work all weeks as been getting worse but hope the end is near
Its so annoying it wont go away had it for 3weeks now and can feel mucus laying on my chest, she was saying about cough syrup but then was like I wouldn't know what is safe to prescribe so you need to just take paracetamol.

Well the outcome is that I got the clinics telephone number and called them 1st appointment they are going to do Tuesday 18 now I'm a bit nervous also the next one on the 4th march in work time so I'm going to have to ask my boas if I can come in late may as well tell her the news I'm abit scared now it all seams abit more real !

What happens in the 1st appointment ?? Hope she/he is nice!!x
So annoyed. Told myself I wasn't going to do any more tests. Well I just did a digi after holding my pee for 2.5 hours and still getting 2-3 weeks. I'm 6 weeks tomorrow. I'll be sulking all day now lol
Ahh fun.... So it's third time lucky for you!! I've got everything crossed xxxx
I just did one too fun haha! I got 2-3 weeks... Sooo hard to buy one and leave it till the following morning to test isn't it haha! I just had to go with it!

I'm sure it's only because of it being in the afternoon! Have you been offered an early scan
My first appointment last time was filling in my file...... Took about 45 mins, medical history of you and you parents/family. A bit about your partner, tells you some dos and donts, takes bloods and they can also book your 12 week scan... Or send the booking off dependant on your area xx
Yes I'm getting a scan next week. Spoke to midwife on the phone and just asked for one. She said yes but not till 6 weeks. I'm 6 weeks tomorrow. Shes phoning me Monday morning with a day for next week. Excited but scared too x
Ahh I know exactly what you mean!! It's so scary isn't it! Fear of then unknown, I'll only be 5+4 so not even 6 weeks. Not expecting a heartbeat but just to know it's there after the bleed would be lovely!

I'll look forward to finding out when your scan will be on Monday :)

Hey there.

From my last period I'm expecting baby to be due on 14th October :)

I'm so nervous, this pregnancy wasn't planned at all to be honest but I have suffered from miscarriages in the past, one being at 20 weeks so I just want to get to the 12week mark so I can relax and enjoy it more. I have a good feeling about this pregnancy though. Couldn't be happier :D
Welcome :) It's great there's so many of us due in October xxx
If you go onto baby centre forum groups and find October birth club there's a link for a secret Facebook group. It's fab. Loads of ladies on there. not due in October. It's very busy all day. X

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