October 2014 due dates

Congratulations Kim - fx for a healthy happy pregnancy xx
Congrats kim1. U have the same due date as me yay xx
thank you! i have been a nervous wreck today! Think its because i found out about a week ago so now its sinking in and i'm constantly looking at dates and when i can have early scan etc. i am just terrified i will mc again. it was a complete shock last time as i was so ill so thought everything was fine. sorry to go on! just so scared. x
Hi, Could you also add me to the 10th October please? Looks like lots of us are due on that date!
How's everyone feeling today? Any symptoms arrived ? I've got period pains so trying hard to stay positive. Felt a little sicky this morning. Like in the back of my throat. I just want 6/7 weeks to come so I can have a scan xx
Yay pips :)

Tried to make a doctors appointment today but they was understaffed so I'm tempted to have the day off work tomorrow and go been feeling really ill lately had a cold for 2 weeks now seen on the nhs site that you can't really take most medication so I'm just feeling ruff colds are annoying as it is but I know my immune system isn't to go right now :( anyone know anything I could take ??

Other half problems, his not happy that I want to spend over £900 on a buggy have my heart set on a stokke one but he thinks its alot of money are any of ur other half like this or is it just mine :(. has anyone looked into what buggy they are getting yet and how much.. or know any other places to look I've been looking on kidicar, mothercare, and mummas and Pappas,
Were going to the London baby show in a few weeks and the buggy I want is there hopefully I can convince him :) xxx
I do love the stokke pushchair but wouldn't pay that much for one. To be honest ill prob just have my sisters. Was only used for 7 months. Like brand new. I'm trying not to get excited and think of things like that though as after 2 mc it's heartbreaking. So not getting too excited till I know all is fine. I'm off on annual leave for this week and next so I'm glad about that. Been keeping myself busy (time seems to be dragging in pregnancy even this early) with my new tortoises I got today x
That's lucky have no new babies or young children in my family this will be the first in a few years now. I prob should just wait to the 12week mark and then decide.

I'm getting to excited I really should tell someone other then just posting on here so hard to kept it a secret for so long xx
I think it's good to tell close friends and family. I found I needed them when I miscarried so I'm glad I've told them x
yeah I need to tell someone
Have U told your employer yet if your working ?? Xx
No not yet. I'm on annual leave for two weeks now but I think I'll wait another couple of weeks. My job does invoke lifting but I can make out I've pulled my back or something and do other jobs. I told them last 2 times and they have to file it with head office and then tell them I've mc so think I'll wait till time till I've had a early scan. If I make it that long. If I don't start spotting in the next 7 days I'll be happy as around 5.5-6 weeks I've spotted with both and then mc both x
I wish U all the luck for this time round. Hopefully ur employer will just give U easy things to do when she knows. I'm working in a nursery so its lots of lifting children, heavy toys and furniture been trying to ease off without looking like I've suddenly got lazy will have to speak to my boss and room leader soon

You doing much on your time off ?? Xx
Hello everyone :) I have told my job as I am a nurse and have to have risk assessments as a lot of moving and handling and some medicines I can't touch whilst pregnant. We are going to book and early scan for a couple of week time. And trying to decide where I want to have this baby as we don't have a local hospital so there is a choice of 3 all about 30 miles away. Going to give the midwife a ring at clinic on tues and discuss it with her as don't really want to go to the hospital we went to last time xx
Hi girlies, how are we all? I'm feeling really tired tonight and also a bit sickie but nothing major. I've got an appointment to see dr tomorrow, she wants to put me on a small dose of steroid injections for tri1 due to my 2 mc last year. Husband and I aren't keen. Anyone know anything about steroids in pregnancy? Xxx
Evening girls. I met a friend tonight for dinner sfter work. I didn't tell her my news as its too early but she told me 2 of her friends recently went for scans and didn't see babys heartbeat. I am now really worried and really don't know how I am going to get through the next 2 weeks. I'm so scared that after 3 long years 1 ivf cycle and an fet, our dreams are going to be shattered. Please stay with us baby. How are u all coping? The days seem to drag.
Aw hun, I know exactly how you feel. After IVF and everything we do to get to this point it seems even more desperate for everything to go well as we may have fewer chances than other people.

Just remember that stressing isn't going to help get a more positive outcome. There's nothing you can do except try to relax, look after yourself and keep faith that baby is healthy and well. Only strong embryos are good enough to be frozen so you have a much bigger chance of things going well than going badly.

Can't help with the time dragging - if you find a way of speeding it up please let me know!!
Thanks mrsgriff ur right I should try not to stress and trust everything is ok. It is hard though.

I have accupucture tomorrow after work so hopefully it will help relax me. Xx
Im chrissi, exactly 5weeks today EDD 8th october!! Good luck everyone! X
I wish U all the luck for this time round. Hopefully ur employer will just give U easy things to do when she knows. I'm working in a nursery so its lots of lifting children, heavy toys and furniture been trying to ease off without looking like I've suddenly got lazy will have to speak to my boss and room leader soon

You doing much on your time off ?? Xx

Thanks and same to you. Nope I'm doing nothing lol. Watching tv. Reading. Walking the dogs and tiny bit of cleaning so it looks like I'm not lazing all day lol x
Chrissy - I have had an awful cold, which has turned into something nasty, for a week now. If you're not taking a pregnancy multi vitamin then maybe take that instead of folic acid (it has enough fa in it). Don't take a non pregnancy one because of the vitamin A. Also paracetamol is okay I am using it for headache and swollen glands in neck.

I have ordered a nasal saline apray to help clear nose (you can get it in boots - sterimar). Also bought nose strips (for snoring) to help me breath at night.

I ended up telling my boss about the pregnancy on Tuesday because I knew I would be off work for a while. Took yesterday and today. As a teacher I suffer from guilt whenever I am off work, but looking after myself is more important right now. Xx

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