October 2014 due dates

Hi all, sorry I didn't update about my scan yesterday, it's was a bit manic with announcements and showing our scan pics and I Was exhausted when we got Home. Everything went fine & all measuring as it should. Seeing baby was amazing. Xx

How do I upload a picture?
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Glad it went well!

Are you uploading from your phone or computer? If phone then press in the plus sign (if on tapatalk) and that will open up your post where you will see a picture sign. Press the and it will then give you the choice to pick from your camera roll.
I don't have tapatalk, I have tried to upload a pic through the advanced settings but it's not working?
Hope this works, I think my pic was too large so had to crop it. This is my fav pic because it's kicking its legs so u can see the little feet :)


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Lovely pic tinks. Congratulations on your scan.
Very cute! Congrats to you both for your lovely scans! See you Roxie on the other side (I still have a week to go) xx
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Congrats on the scans. It's lovely to see the babies :)

I'm 13 weeks today (my ticker's wrong but not sure how to change it). One more week til second trimester and I seriously hope nausea and tiredness evaporate the second I hit 14 weeks haha. Also feeling really emotional today. Does anybody know if that dies down later in pregnancy?

I hope you're all well x
Scan went amazing, baby was spinning and jumping around.. Put me at 12+4 :) couldnt be happier xx
Ah so glad all is well :)

Lots of scans at the moment, I can't believe we'll all be in tri 2 soon!

I'm so happy as I definitely found the heartbeat on my doppler earlier, took a while but definitely found it and OH heard it too :) xxx
i have a boob/bra question... i have ONE bra left that fits me all my others are giving me the 4 boobs look. How are you all coping with this anyone bought any new bras with no wires? i dont
want to spend a fortune as ill need a few xxx
Brilliant news on scan febmum.
I have just dig out my old maternity bras from dd maisy. It is a pain because i got through several sizes last pregnancy so just bought one each size and washed them a lot.
haven't brought a maternity bra yet but I will definitely need one soon. I am used to wearing underwired bras but I found an old one and took the wires out. Unfortunately it was even more uncomfortable! Also have people noticed how difficult it is to actually buy maternity clothes on the high street? debenhams only has their red herring maternity in store and its really frustrating :(

Going for my scan tomorrow morning at 9! Need to waddle in with a full bladder lol x
Fantastic news FebMum2Be!! Best feeling in the world!!

Today is the day I'm going to wave goodbye to Tri one! I'm 14 weeks and feeling so blessed :) il still be Tri hopping back here to see how everyone's getting on!

Good luck to everyone still to get scans! Can't wait to see updates! xxx
Good luck in Tri 2 Coach. Will see you in there next week!

Absolutely over the moon today. I had my scan today and all is looking very good. Baby was wriggling away and it even waved at us :)
Ah so pleased to hear that MrsGriff :)

Can't believe we're all heading over to tri 2 soon, keep some seats warm for us girls xxx
Hey all :)
Congrats Mrs Griff! I knew we had our scans on the same day. Had scan this morning and I loved seeing the baby's little legs kick and heart beat so fast! Had a wee cry! I think it is beginning to sink in for my husband lol. Feeling very blessed. Good luck with those awaiting their scans and see you all soon in Trim 2! xxx

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