October 2014 due dates

I so know how you feel. I've been snapping at my OH all day. I just need Wednesday to hurry up . For weeks now I've been sick and just felt so unwell, I went to the doctors who gave me tablets to stop with the sickness and they have worked wonders, now I'm worried because I feel like my "normal" self and now I think something must have gone wrong.
I'm with you both!! Had period-type stretchy pains yesterday and a few this morning too, and have been on constant knicker watch. Made me so nervous about my scan on Tuesday now in case they tell me something's wrong!!

I'm sure we're all fine and will have pictures of happy little babies :) xx
Finally my turn for a scan tomorrow morning, it has felt like a very long wait. Cant wait to get a first glance at baby but so nervous.
Good luck fun1uk for your scan tomorrow and to everyone else having a scan this week. Looking forward to seeing lots more gorgeous scan pics.
Good luck to every girlie that's having there scans this week. Xxx we can breath a sigh of relief then. :dance:
Good luck for your scan tomorrow, mine's Tuesday morning and although I am excited, I'm getting really nervous now. I've had no bleeding or pain but I just really want to see the baby now and know everything's ok xxx
Yay it's scan day for me. Good luck other mummies today in their scans xxx
good luck with your scans ladies, we are keeping your seats warm in Tri 2! Xx
Good luck to everyone having scans. It's my turn tomorrow morning, I'm so excited but feel nervous at the same time. I'm sure we all feel the same xxx
Lots of luck with scans today!! Mine is tomorrow morning like Taffy and MrsEB. And also like Taffy, I'm getting nervous. Would just like to see baby is happy and healthy now! Xx
Many more scans this week! Good luck to you all. Looking forward to seeing pics...

I'll be off to tri 2 on Wednesday. Can't wait! I'm starting to get a nice rounded belly and feel like I belong in tri 2 now. Who's going to start our thread there?
Thanks for all the good wishes. Everything went well ONE apparently healthy little baby. They put me forward 2days so EDD now 18th october. So happy and relieved. I'll try and post a pic later when i get on my laptop.
Congrats Mustard. It's amazing and surreal seeing babay isn't it?
hope you can see this, not the clearest picture, he/she is a wriggler


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Lovely news!! My turn tomorrow...(as well as Taffy and MrsEB!) xx

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