October 2014 due dates

Great news Caroline. It's so fantastic how many of us have had successful scans this week. It's lovely how we'll all be heading over to Tri 2 together
Congrats mrs griff and Caroline. I finally had booking appointment with midwife today. She had to stab me 3 times to get blood but apart from that it was all fine. Nice to get the ball rolling and got scan on monday cant wait.
Congratulations on your scans ladies. I can't wait until mine next Wednesday. It must be a big relief xxxx
4 sleeps until my scan!!! Hope it hurries up, just want to know that all is ok now!! Xx
its the most wonderful feeling in the world to see your baby there :) enjoy every second! xxx
*CHANGE OF DUE DATE* my due date has changed to 13th October now I've had my scan, can you please change it on the list. Thank you x
Hello ladies!!

I was in such a mood thismorning because nothing fitted, even leggings were cutting in on me and making me feel rubbish, I left the house wearing jeans that were open and fastened with a hair bobble! Lol! Anyway DH came home with 3 pairs of maternity jeans for me bless him... He went shopping in new look! I cant describe the comfort I'm in right now!!! Lol x
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Hello ladies!!

I was in such a mood thismorning because nothing fitted, even leggings were cutting in on me and making me feel rubbish, I left the house wearing jeans that were open and fastened with a hair bobble! Lol! Anyway DH came home with 3 pairs of maternity jeans for me bless him... He went shopping in new look! I cant describe the comfort I'm in right now!!! Lol x

Oh bless him! Not gonna even pretend mine would ever do that haha! xx
I love maternity jeans, wish i could wear them all the time. I have no bump at all yet but will switch straight to them once we have told people.
I am really scared about buying maternity clothes for some reason. I hate buying normal clothes and the thought of maternity wear scares me to death. Lol
I've decided to invest in maternity clothes this time as I ruined some tops with my belly last time - they got a little over stretched in the middle!
Any October mummies using aspirin ? I'm on low dose aspirin to help prevent mc. I forgot to take it last night so took it first thing this morning at around 8am. I normally take it before bed. Shall I now carry on in the mornings or take another before bed? I've convinced myself because I didn't take it I've hurt baby as I've got terrible period type pains all day. X
I would carry on taking it morning now. I also really don't think it will be a problem that you've missed one, especially because you are so far along now.x
Don't worry fun about the period type pains I had them this afternoon. It don't stop me keep knicker checking though and thinking something is going to be wrong we when I have my scan.
Thanks. I'll take in the mornings now then. I've also been on knicker watch all day too. Thought it packed that up weeks ago lol xx

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