October 2014 due dates

Also 12 weeks today! There's a few of us with the same EDD on her

So chuffed to get here but starting to get very anxious about my scan on Thurs. Just dreading getting bad news. For some reason I haven't worried at all about bleeding but worried sick about a missed miscarriage. Keep getting anxiety dreams about it.
Anyone suffering from back ache? My back is dooooo sore today that it's making me feel ill!x
Anyone else getting clear discharge like in ovulation? So scared it's going to turn pink x
Fun, I've read increased discharge is absolutely normal. It's caused by the hormones. If you're really worried i'm sure you can ask your midwife.

Well, i've found the answer to my question: France considers a pregnancy lasts 41 weeks and not 40. Isn't that odd? You'd think it would be the same everywhere. I'd like to change my ticker but don't know what to put now.

Still incredibly happy this morning. Hurrah for scans! X
Fun I have had clear discharge the whole way through, I wouldn't worry, totally normal :)

Gosh that's strange pips! So I was right about French babies wanting to stay in longer lol x
Hi all! Had my first scan on Thursday and all went well but I'm a little further along than I thought! Changed my EDD to 30th September so I guess I'll have to change threads haha! Best of luck to you all! Xx
Hi all! Had my first scan on Thursday and all went well but I'm a little further along than I thought! Changed my EDD to 30th September so I guess I'll have to change threads haha! Best of luck to you all! Xx

Glad it went well, Supersoapie! :)
Glad scans are going well too! I'll have my scan on the same day as you MrsGriff!
And ditto about the discharge - no bleeding just increased flow. Heard its meant to be protective.

And I am also worried about missed miscarriage as symptoms haven't been too bad. Lower back pain is bothering me too :( it is one particular part of my sacroiliac joint but it isn't always a problem and I am making sure I keep walking so hopefully symptoms won't get worse.
Despite not too many symptoms I feel I am beginning to show a bit! My dad said yesterday that I was 'glowing' which is lovely (he knows lol but still). Parents (on both sides) are very excited about it. Very blessed to have such a supportive family.

Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying this secret time where only few people know you're pregnant! Enjoy it while it lasts! :) At the same time I can't wait to tell everyone - my best friend is travelling home 1 day after the scan! Little does she know the surprise that lies ahead!
This is my bean! 12+4 on friday :) it was the scariest most exciting day and im just so happy all is ok!! dd is now 6th Oct rather than theIMG_1635.jpg 6th xx


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Congratulations maisy. Great pic and forward 2 days that is brillant.
ahhh sorry my baby brain typing! i meant due 6th x
Lovely scan photo Maisy, glad everything went well! Well i decided to go up the loft yesterday and see what baby stuff we still had.I knew we had kept alot of my daughters things but after 8 years wasn't sure what kind of state they would be in also i know i had ' lent ' some things out.I was pleasantly surprised everything still looks like new and only missing baby bath, changing mat and sterilzer.We have taken everything over my mums where it can be freshened up and stored till we need it.:)
Really great to see all the lovely healthy scan pics from over the last week.

Fingers crossed for all the ladies having scans this week.
Fab pic Maisy :) my scan is Wednesday I am absolutely bursting for it to come round x
So the wedding is over... Bridemaid dress fitted and no1 suspected a thing! Family have now been told and it's great to not have to keep it a secret anymore! My family reacted just how I expected, their usual un-emotional selves! lol! Glad I'm able to tell friends now too and people won't be thinking I have just eaten all the pies lol! x
Brilliant news coach. Hope you enjoyed the wedding.
Fantastic day but absolutely wrecked! I don't know how I managed it considering I'm usually out for the count by 9! Lol x
It's scan day tomorrow, no actually it's today!! Don't think I'll be getting much sleep as really anxious. Least our appt is 9am so don't have to wait all day. I pray everything is all ok. Will update when I can Xx
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